Antique Chair/Rawhide Drum w/ Mallets

From Craigslist ad:

Perfect gift for your favorite weirdo musician!!

I came across this beautiful little restored chair and stretched rawhide over it, finished with nailheads. There is a dangling beaded trim that also makes some sound, especially when you use the special rake mallet!

I made this chair for an art show curated by local one man band, Gull at Gallery 5 this past summer. Turns out I’m a good drum maker, it sounds great! And it makes me little Bluetooth speaker also sound great, when its sitting on the rawhide. Best of all, the chair is functional! You can sit until you get inspired. Also, the reverberation of being on a concrete floor sounds great too!!

A truly unique item at a great price! 4 different mallets included!! $200 cash only. Local only. No scammers. No Bots!!