Dog Found Near VCU

As the Japanese nuclear plants explode, sometimes its best to concentrate on problems you can actually do something about- in this case, a lost dog found on Cumberland near the City Auditorium/VCU student rec center. In that spirit, I will reprint this post, which originally appeared on Craigslist and then Fan of the Fan sites.

FOUND TAN AND SOME WHITE – 3/9/11 (VCU CARY STREET GYM AREA) Found a female tan and pit bull, pit bull mix, or staffordshire terrier mix around VCU. She was seen running down Cumberland road and across the Downtown expressway at 11 am on Wednesday 3/9/11. She was later found hanging around the Cary Street Gym at VCU around 5 pm. She is sweet, looks young and well taken care of.

Plastic Bag Debate

Bag on Belvidere

RVANews is covering the General Assembly debate.

A few points that are still not getting through to the public are the extent to which plastic bag litter is negatively impacting our environment/wildlife, how much bags are interfering with farming harvests, how much oil can conserved by reducing plastic bag use, and how much money businesses could save by not offering bags.

Bicycle Found Near Canal

From Craigslist:

I was sledding over by 2nd Street before Christmas. Went into some brush along old canal bed and there it was. Not quite as exciting as the stolen car that I saw there once, but the bicycle is in relatively good shape.

Its red, Specialized frame, and has a sticker on its seat. I think Hard Rock is a model of Specialized.
It’s a Schwinn rack on the rear.

Sound familiar to anyone?

Posted on oregon hill email list and reported to police already.

Brown White Pitbulls Found

First Craigslist ad:

Found SWEET Brownish Gray and white pitbull this morning running down Albermarle St.
He is un-neutered and has a leather collar on with dull spikes.
Please Call me if he is yours
My boss is afraid of him and I cannot keep him all day
# is 804-815-8376
or e-mail I have internet on my phone and will get it right away
Also please e-mail me if you know a no-kill organization that I can take him to… or that will take him
Thank YOU

Second Craigslist ad:

Found ANOTHER brownish-gray Pitbull. This one is a female, slighlty skiddish with cropped ears, but very sweet. She laid her head on me the whole drive to Animal Control
I had no choice other than to take her to animal control. I have put my name down for them to call me in case it comes to euthanasia. I am trying to contact local rescue agencies.
If this is your dog then CONTACT ME! or go to the Chamberlayne ave animal control and get her!