Dog Found And Found Cat

From Craigslist ad:

A young, male (intact) beagle was found earlier this evening in the Overlook area. He was wearing just a flea collar. He’s about 35 pounds.

Also, from a neighbor:

A very sweet grey & white cat has been hanging around our place for the last few days – seems desperate to get in the house, and definitely does not seem like the usual Oregon Hill outdoorsy cat.

Homebrew Ski Jump?

Last (Wednesday) night I was coming home and thought I saw someone perching on something big and white at the Overlook. I really was not sure what I had seen, but I decided it was not worth investigating at the time. This morning, I walked down and saw a whole path of ice at the same location.

Follicles of the James

This flyer appeared at Fine Foods:

I looked up the website listed. Here is an excerpt:

This is the home of The Follicles of the James ‘Stache & Beard League. The FotJ’SBL (note: not Klingon for “banana” as some may claim and better known as “The League”) is the local Richmond, Virginia chapter of Beard Team USA, which promotes the appreciation of facial hair nationwide.

Mark your calendars! On March 3, 2012 we’ll be hosting a charity fundraiser: the 1st Ever Mid-Atlantic Beard & ‘Stache Competition. So if you haven’t already, stop shaving and start growing!

Lost Cat Named Oscar

From Craigslist ad:

my cat ran away cause he was scared by a dog about a week ago :( he went missing around the 600 block of oregon hill. his name is oscar, he is gray and fluffy with a white chin/neck and feet. he is very friendly but also very dominant. if you have seen him please let me know. i don’t have money for a reward but i can buy you a big gulp or coffee. i miss him a lot :(