“Fata Morgana” At Main Library Monday

“Everyday, hundreds of people set off in boats from the coast of Libya bound for Europe in search of a better life. Escaping war, poverty and famine, the people hope they arrive in a land that can offer safety and better opportunities. Many die in the journey while others are rescued at sea and taken to ports in southern European countries where they begin their new lives as refugees. “Fata Morgana” explores the circumstances the refugees left behind and the situations they encounter on a new continent. The documentary also discusses the rise of right-wing, xenophobic politicians in Italy who are capitalizing off the crisis by scapegoating refugees for the country’s economic problems.

“Fata Morgana” is a documentary co-produced by local videographer Jen Lawhorne and Ebrima and Toumani, two African refugees trying to establish themselves in the Sicilian City of Messina. The documentary shifts the cinematic gaze over to the eyes of the refugees who filmed more than half of the documentary’s footage that explores the circumstances the refugees left behind and the situations they encounter on a new continent.”

Monday, July 23rd at 5:30 pm

Richmond Public Library

RVA EFF Extended

Usually today is the last day of the RVA Environmental Film Festival. The Virginia Environmental Film Contest entries and winners will be screened at the Byrd Theatre this afternoon (along with two excellent features).

However the festival keeps growing and there are at three events next week that extend the film festival. So, tomorrow night, come enjoy short films and a filmmakers’ forum at the VCU Grace Street Theater.

For the full schedule, go to www.rvaeff.org. As always, these events are free and open to the public.

RVA EFF Kicks Off Tonight

The RVA Environmental Film Festival (RVA EFF) kicks off tonight at the Science Museum of Virginia. It goes on all this week and part of next week at venues around the area. All the shows are FREE (thanks to generous sponsors)!

Please take the time to look over the full schedule by going to the website.

Tomorrow it will be at VCU in the afternoon and then at the Main City Public Library in the evening.

‘Hidden Figures’ CodeRVA Event At Main RPL Wednesday Night

There’s another powerful movie event Wednesday at the main branch of the Richmond Public Library.

From FaceBook event page:

The Richmond Public Library, Bijou Film Center, and CodeVA are holding a very special, family-friendly celebration of Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 4-10) with a free public viewing of the acclaimed film, HIDDEN FIGURES.

Virginia, the Digital Dominion, is home to many “hidden figures” in Computer Science – both past and present. Computer Science Education Week each year also marks the birthday of Admiral Grace Hopper, a Navy officer, WWII hero, and longtime Virginia resident who invented the first computer compiler and discovered the first software “bug.” It is also home to NASA Langley, where the heroic human “computers” depicted in HIDDEN FIGURES worked to launch America ahead in the Space Race.

Come early for a special speaker panel discussing the important roles Katherine Johnson, Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan played, not only in manned spaceflight, but also in helping launch modern computer science.

Worried about dinner? We have that covered! There will be pizza, popcorn and Tang!

Panel discussion starts @ 5:30PM

Movie starts @ 6:00PM