Pixar’s Inside Out At St. Andrew’s Church Wednesday

In addition to the RVA Environmental Film Festival this week, St. Andrew’s Church is starting its own community movie series.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, in the Chapel, 240 S. Laurel St., Richmond, VA US 23220

So much of our faith is influenced by popular culture and many films have themes and ideas that challenge how we think about God and ourselves. Join Andrew at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, for the first session of our new Faith & Film series. We’ll watch the Pixar classic Inside Out and afterwards have a conversation about how our faith and our emotional life grow and change. Popcorn will be provided and feel free to bring snacks or your dinner to enjoy as we watch this wonderful movie together.

Unrepresented Film Screening On Tuesday

The political documentary film ‘Unrepresented’ will be showed on Jan 28, at 6:00 PM at the VCU Commons Theater (901 Floyd Ave).

From the event page:

The documentary Unrepresented investigates the mechanisms that give political insiders enormous, unchecked power. If you are tired of the status quo taking place in Virginia, then come to the screening of the documentary and take part in a panel discussion following the movie to see the unprecedented movements taking shape to break this cycle. Engage with panel speakers Virginia Del. Sam Rasoul; Jeff Thomas, author of The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power after 2016; Liz White, Deputy Director of OneVirginia2021; Elizabeth Melson, President of FairVote Virginia; and Nancy Morgan of the Virginia chapter of American Promise. Hear about the grassroots movements taking place here at the state level that you can join to make a difference.
Richmond is the first stop on the film’s State Capital Tour across the country. Come ensure you are Represented!