Mugging on Laurel Street

A resident was robbed at gunpoint by two individuals around 12:30AM on November 29th while entering residence. She literally had about an 8 foot walk from her car parked on the street to the side door of the house. While putting her key in the door two men came up behind her and demanded money. They got all the cash on her (three dollars), as well as an old cell phone and her ID. She was not physically hurt in any way. This occured at the corner of Laurel and Idlewood.

The muggers were described as 2 black males. One was about 5’8, the other unknown. Both had dark hoodies and jeans. They had no facial hair and both had semi-automatic pistols. It all happened in about 30 seconds-1 minute or so. They took off around the corner down Laurel St. towards the river.

The police were called and reports were filed.

Sector 413 report for October


Lieutenant Lisa Drew reports “another great month for Sector 413 and thanks to the cooperation of our community – crime is continuing to go down! Violent Crime was down 50% this month. We are still continuing to have a problem with property crimes (mainly thefts from autos) but even property crime was down 6%. Thank you to everyone for your continued support from everyone here at 4th Precinct!” Check out the Sector 413 report for October. (PDF)

More student party complaints

This from a neighbor on Cherry Street:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Quite a doozie- I arrived home at 1:30 AM to see an RPD Paddy
wagon and patrol car stationed in front of a house on the 200 block
of Cherry (maybe 2 or 3 houses from Idlewood) with lights going and
kids and trash everywhere. I had to park a block or so away and when
I got out of the car, you could hear the roar of 300 to 400 partying
college students swarmed in the backyard of the house, screaming at
the top of their lungs. Bikes and cars parked everywhere and kids
wandering the streets with open containers of beer looking for a
place to pee.

I sat on my front porch in amazement as the police
left and more and more kids with more and more beer arrived and the
NOISE GOT LOUDER AND LOUDER! At 2AM, the RPD returned- this time 5
patrol cars and a paddy wagon with lights blazing. They entered the
backyard on foot with flashlights to disperse the crowd and swarms of
kids swelled into the streets. It took the officers maybe 25 minutes
to walk the streets sending the 300 or 400 partiers on their way as
the streets were choked with alcohol impaired children, most on foot
or on bike and all loud. All finally calmed down but after a half
hour or so the dull roar started back up although I finally made it
to sleep.

200 and 300 blocks Cherry used to be among the most peaceful on the
Hill with the proximity to Hollywood Cemetery. This garbage has got
to stop.

VCU party house problem on Cherry St.

There was a large VCU party on the 300 block of Cherry St. this past weekend, causing complaints of fighting, public urination, public drunkedness, and noise disturbances.

Police were called and there was a report of at least one arrest. VCU officials have been notified and the matter is likely to receive attention at the next meeting of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association this coming Tuesday night.