2 Serious Crimes To Report

Please inform your community of the crimes listed below. They are still under investigation and I will update you with further information as I receive it. Please ask anyone with any information on these crimes or any others to call the Police (nonemergency, 804 646 5100).

At approximately 4:00 am this morning a female reported that a black male entered her home in the 300 block of S. Laurel. Victim states that she was taken outside and raped in the alley. There was no weapon involved. Case is still under investigation and details are unclear at this time. I will update you as soon as I get any further information.

At approximately 8:30 last night 2 females reported that they were walking in the 100 block of S. Cherry when they were approached by 2 black females. One of the suspects displayed a black revolver and demanded money and cell phones. Suspects got $47 and a cell phone. No one was injured. No further details at this time.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Lt. Lisa Drew

From the Richmond Police Sector 413 Newsletter…

Oregon Hill
Oregon Hill once again leads the pack with only 2 crimes in December – one
burglary and one larceny. The burglary occurred at 225 S. Pine St. Unknown
suspect(s) entered the home between 9AM and 3PM on December 27th and stole
electronics. The larceny was of license plates at 611 S. Cherry Street by an
unknown suspect. Please call RPD if you have information on these crimes or any

For the year – you had a 40% decrease in violent crime and a 29% decrease in
property crime. Also – Detective Levin White is following up on some great leads
on violent crime that occurred earlier in the year in your area. Most of the crimes
should be cleared by arrest soon but I can’t give you any details of the investigation
at this time. Hopefully next month I will be able to fill you in.

Sector413/Newsletter link here.

Oregon Hill Police Report

From the Sector 413 Newsletter:

Oregon Hill had another fantastic month with only one reported crime in all of
November (only 2 crimes for the 4th Quarter). It was a theft from a car so please
always make sure the passenger compartment of your car is EMPTY.

We are still experiencing a problem with loud parties. We have put some overtime
Officers out there but they were working on Fridays and it seems that the problem
lately has been Saturdays. Midnight Shift Officers will be taking a more aggressive
approach to the partying. Officer Claude Picard has taken a pro-active approach to
the problem and has been working with ABC Agents as well as VCU
Administration. They will continue to work with us until we can fix the problem.

Sector 413 report for September


Lieutenant Drew’s monthly report from September (PDF) for the Richmond Police Departments Sector 413 is now available:

Oregon Hill crime was up 50% from 2007 – 4 to 6 crimes. 3 of the 6 crimes occurred in the 200 block of S. Cherry Street (A car, a bike and some plants were stolen.) Residents (in that block especially) should report any suspicious activity. There was one other bike, wheels from a car and license plates stolen in your neighborhood.

OHNA Rewards Residents for July Incident

At last month’s Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting, the membership voted to recognize and reward Marty, Mark, and John for their part in apprehending a robbery suspect this past July. Since then, I have heard that federal officials became interested in the suspect concerning some previous crimes.

The awards were rather meager- restaurant gift certificates, and ceremonial keys to the neighborhood. But as I stated in the letter that accompanied them, neighborhood residents are very thankful for their action. As King, I did offer Marty a knighthood, but he graciously declined.

Sector 413 August Newsletter

Statistically speaking, August was a really good month for Oregon Hill. Overall we
seen a 66% decrease in Major Crimes in your neighborhood. During the month we
had only 3 crimes, one was the theft of a moped and unfortunately 2 were robberies.
The first robbery occurred at 200 S. Cherry on 8/4 at approx. 12:58 am. 2 black
males displayed a revolver, robbed the victim and possibly fled in a dark red older
model Buick. The second robbery occurred at 335 S. Cherry St. on 8/28 at
approximately 9:08 pm.
2 black males displayed a small black handgun with a
silver tip and attempted to rob the victim. The victim was smacked but fortunately
he did not sustain any serious injuries.