Please inform your community of the crimes listed below. They are still under investigation and I will update you with further information as I receive it. Please ask anyone with any information on these crimes or any others to call the Police (nonemergency, 804 646 5100).
At approximately 4:00 am this morning a female reported that a black male entered her home in the 300 block of S. Laurel. Victim states that she was taken outside and raped in the alley. There was no weapon involved. Case is still under investigation and details are unclear at this time. I will update you as soon as I get any further information.
At approximately 8:30 last night 2 females reported that they were walking in the 100 block of S. Cherry when they were approached by 2 black females. One of the suspects displayed a black revolver and demanded money and cell phones. Suspects got $47 and a cell phone. No one was injured. No further details at this time.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Lt. Lisa Drew