Larceny Arrest for Saw Theft

This past week, William Abele, a 47 year old white male, was charged with grand larceny of a saw from a house on the 500 block of S. Pine Street. The Officer has not been given a court date.

This was done with the help of neighborhood residents who kept their eyes open, spotted trouble, and followed up with police. They deserve thanks from all of us. If you are missing stuff from your yard, you might want to contact the police about Abele.

Graffiti On Everyone’s Property

I took a walk on Belle Island this morning to try to get away from other problems and look what I find on its river rocks:

Fortunately, I have learned to separate the Grateful Dead’s music from some of its more idiotic fans, but honestly, do you really think Jerry Garcia would appreciate this lame tribute in a struggling, urban public park and natural preserve?

These people should be caught, prosecuted, and made to clean up the James RIver Park EVERY weekend for a couple of years. If they are college kids, they should be kicked out of college immediately and if they are high schools students, they should not be allowed the chance to attend college. If they are adults they should be sentenced for a couple of decades of cleaning the park.

Small Business Vandalized

For the second time in only a few weeks, the ex-Chuckwagon, ex-Hollywood Grill restaurant has tagged by graffiti vandals. The current owners, who also operate the Pescado’s seafood restaurant on the Southside, have been doing lots of work on the building in preparation for opening, including installing new windows. Sadly, those were also marred last night by the graffiti.

There have been several troubling reports of vandalism against the community in the last week, which include ripped fences and stolen signs from Hollywood Cemetery, broken bottles on sidewalks, and now this.


Homeless Man’s Belongings Burned


There was a fire on Laurel Street on the south end of the 195 overpass. A homeless guy that has been camping near there for the last month or so was storing some of his belongings on the bridge railing. He is wheel chair bound and possibly unable to speak. He did not know who set his stuff on fire. It looks like someone set fire to his bundles on Monday night. Has anyone heard anything?

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Lost – My Bicycle – Schwinn Madison (Oregon Hill(Pine))

From Craigslist:

My light blue Schwinn Madison fixed gear was taken from inside my house on the evening of Friday, April 3 in Oregon Hill. The bicycle is 3 months old, so it looks new. If you have any information, or see anybody riding a bike that doesn’t belong to them, or whatever. Please send any information to me. There is only one other that I am aware of within the city. But the other bike as straight handles and a white rear deep v. Mine is exactly like the image below. If you find anything, please tell me. Any help is greatly appreciated. And there will be a reward if it turns up. Thanks for your time.

Oregon Hill Attack, Saved By Pepper Spray

I hope to have an update on this story soon.

From the Times Dispatch:

A woman used pepper spray late last night to fend off an attacker in Richmond’s Oregon Hill area.

Richmond police Capt. Dave Martin said the 18-year-old victim “was a little scraped up but she refused medical treatment.”

The woman told police the attack occurred at 11:50 p.m. in the 300 block of South Cherry Street, just south of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Monroe Park campus, when an older male approached her and tried to forcibly take her backpack.

This comes right after a neighborhood association meeting last night where residents were told by police that the biggest crime in the area was theft from vehicles and crime was down in Oregon Hill 75%.

More Graffiti

This past Thursday night the William Byrd Community House and Grace Arents Community Garden were hit by vandals who put up obscene graffiti. One tag, on the Community Garden sign said “This Means War…”.

Mr. Bolling, the Executive Director of the WBCH, was interviewed by WRIC, Channel 8 News. I also heard that the park area under the Lee Bridge has also experienced more graffiti.