Mini-Dukes of Hazard

As usual, I am usually the last person in the neighborhood to hear about things. The following I heard second-hand and only parts of….

The story begins in the alley behind the 600 blocks of Laurel and Cherry. It forms a ‘T’ with entrances on Laurel, Cherry, and Holly, but not China. For a long time after the old cobblestones were taken out, it was an increasingly hazardous, gravel-but-mostly-dirt alley.
It was eventually paved, which lead to more people speeding through it.

Citizens begged for some signage or speed bumps, but the City said it was an alley and not a street and therefore would not get additional signage. I found some novelty/party ‘stop’ and ‘yield’ signs at a thrift store and put those up on the utility poles, but then they were taken down when the power grid was worked on. Speeders go up the alley and skid on the brakes when they realize it does not go all the way through to China Street.

Anyway, sometime last week some young men in a mini-van were speeding up the alley and failed to brake. When my neighbor became incensed at yet another invasion of his backyard, the mini-van pilots panicked and drove between houses. Somehow they drove over an embankment that ended in a three and a half foot drop after a brick retaining wall on the front sidewalk on China Street. In the process they damaged the wall as can be seen in this picture:
I am not clear on what happened after that. I would love to hear some more details. I do know the alley now has a real stop sign. I am guessing the City put it in, or my neighbors “requisitioned” it.

Student Rental Trash

The end of July means moving for many people. Unfortunately, for far too many renters and landlords that means pile up your trash on the sidewalk and leave town, and let others deal with their trash. Although I posted before about the problem on Idlewood and Cherry, here is what will greet the Byrd Market attendees this afternoon:

Again, in the Idlewood situation, an easy solution would be to create a trash containment area along the alley which goes north behind the residences just a few yards away, and make sure residents use it. City trash trucks are supposed to be picking up from the back alleys in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, this is not the only place where this happening, as the following pictures will attest. In every single case, it involves VCU student renters of absentee landlords. All of these places are repeat offenders. While not every Oregon Hill residence has a back alley access due to the way the lots are laid out, all of these places in the pictures have back alley access. There are other trash problems in the neighborhood, but I find these particularly egregious because they block front sidewalks. Personally, I suggest the City increase fines against the landlords, who are easier to identify and locate. I would be in favor of landlord licenses, not unlike what other university towns have implemented.

In the meantime, I will go out this morning since I have the day off from work and try to at least tidy the sidewalk trash on my block. Maybe this will stop the City from fining me for not mowing along my back alley while I was away on vacation.

614, 616 S. Laurel St.

614, 616 S. Laurel St.

500 block of S. Laurel Street

500 block of S. Laurel Street

100 block of S. Cherry Street

100 block of S. Cherry Street

800 block of Holly Street

800 block of Holly Street

Trash Problem on Idlewood

From this past Tuesday

From this past Tuesday

From this past Saturday

From this past Saturday

Despite multiple communications over the past year with the City’s Public Works and Community Development, as well as letters to the property owner, this trash pile remains a sore spot. Its right along the sidewalk and its one of the first things people see when they enter into the neighborhood from the west. Visitors to the Tuesday Byrd House Market often have to walk around it. Despite City Code violations, the trash cans are hardly ever taken away from the street back to the residents’ yards. Really, one easy solution would be to create a trash containment area along the alley which goes north behind the residences just a few yards away, and make sure residents use it. City trash trucks are supposed to be picking up from the back alleys in the neighborhood. The owner of these row houses which face the 200 block of S. Cherry, is a man named Hugh Edmunds. He continues to rent to VCU students while he lives over in the Windsor Farms neighborhood.

There have also been multiple noise complaints about these houses over the past few years, with at least one being on the Richmond police CAPS list. Sadly, some of the longtime residents on the 300 block of S. Cherry have moved away in part to the ongoing nuisances.

Years ago, I used to attend parties at 238 S. Cherry when Mike Gangloff lived there. Mike ran his own record label, Radioactive Rat, from that house. Sometimes he would even have bands play there. He made a point of warning neighbors a few days before and making sure the loudness was over before midnight. Then we would QUIETLY hang out while enjoying a few of Mike’s excellent homebrew pumpkin ales.

Sector 413 Police June Newsletter

Click here to get to the PDF of the newsletter.

Some excerpts:

During the month of June 2009, Sector 413 experienced an overall increase
of crime by 7% as compared to June of 2008.

There were 5 robberies to individuals in Sector 413 during June 2009. Two
of these occurred in Oregon Hill.

6/16/09-618 Idlewood Ave – 0148 a.m., the male victim was
robbed by 4 b/males. These males were later apprehended in a
taxi cab on the Southside and charged with this robbery.
(Note: This was reported on this site earlier.)

06/21/09 – (attempt) – 100 S. Cherry Street, 0315 a.m., the
male victim was walking on Cherry Street when he was
approached by a b/m. The suspect had a knife and demanded
the victim’s money. The victim struck the suspect and ran to his

1 house break-in on Laurel Street

In the last week the trend has been to remove license plates from vehicles.
2 occurred on Pine Street in Oregon Hill. Monroe Ward and Jackson Ward
had 3 a piece. We feel they are stealing them for the expiration date

Three individuals were arrested in the Fan district for graffiti. We feel these
individuals are also responsible for some of the tags located in Oregon Hill,
Jackson Ward and Monroe Ward.

The homeless continue to bring complaints and are tied into some of the
crimes I have touched on. The detectives and Officers have worked very
hard at identifying these individuals and what areas they may be hanging

Police Nab Idlewood Robbers

In the words of our sector Lt. Baltz:

A robbery occurred last night (ed.- Monday night) outside of the 7-11 located at Belvidere. Four individuals robbed the victim and then ran toward Maplewood Ave. Canine tracked to Maplewood and lost the scent. The robbers evidently got into a taxi cab on Maplewood and were going back home in Southside. Police units stopped the cab and arrested the four for the robbery. 3 juveniles/ one adult, all from Southside. A good job from community and police.

Assault on Tredegar Street

I have a report of an aggravated assault on the 400 block of Tredegar Street that took place about 6:30 yesterday. One male attacking another. No other info yet. Technically this did not happen in Oregon Hill, but close by, below the Virignia War Memorial.

Hopefully, crime reporting will be a topic of conversation when the new sector police leader, Lt. Baltz, meets with the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association this coming Tuesday night.

New Sector Lt.

Effective this past Saturday, May 16th, I was reassigned within 4th Precinct to the Executive Officer’s position. Lieutenant Yvonne Baltz will be taking over Sector 413.

I wanted to take a minute to thank each one of you for your assistance and continued support over the past couple of years. I have very much enjoyed working with all of you to fight crime in Sector 413! Lt. Baltz has over 25 years of experience and has worked in 4th Precinct before so she is well aware of the issues we face. She will do a great job! She can be contacted at or at 646-4105.

Thanks again for all that you do!

Lisa Drew