This photo is from last night around 5:30 p.m.
This is not the first time and this is not the first post on this subject.
This photo is from last night around 5:30 p.m.
This is not the first time and this is not the first post on this subject.
From The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1864:
–On Fridaynight last, about 7 o’clock, the passage of the residence of Mr. Daniel Ratcliffe, on Marshall street, between 8th and 9th, was entered and robbed of his overcoat, shawl, and a scotch cap. This is the second or third time Mr. R ‘s premises have been trespassed upon and articles of value taken therefrom.For some time back robberies of a fight character have been perpetrated upon the premises of Captain Wm. J. Dabney, commanding a Light Artillery battery from this city, but on Saturdaynight last the thieves, finding that they had a clear field and no one to interfere with them, cleaned the house entirely of its contents, taking furniture, clothing, and some few groceries away with them Mrs. Dabney having been absent from the city for some weeks, and the Captain’s duties calling him away most of the time, it was therefore known that no one was at home and the thieves thus went to work with very little apprehension of being detected. Captain D.’s residence is on Oregon Hill.
On Saturday night the Orphan Asylum near Duval street, was entered and robbed of eight or ten pairs of shoes, which had just been made for some of the children residing therein.
On Saturday some thief entered the back way of the “Gem Saloon,” and took from the drawer about $40 in money, besides three or four bottles of very choice Scotch whiskey.
An attempt was made on Fridaynight to rob the store of Blakey & Carter, on Franklin, between 17th and 18th streets. The thieves succeeded in forcing two locks, and were about removing the last obstruction to their entrance, as they were discovered by some market man and driven off.
The lumber house of Mr. Richard Reina, on the basin, between 9th and 10th streets, was entered by false keys, on Saturdaynight, and twelve pieces of bacon were carried off Mr. R. had in the same room a large lot of flour, corn, and other articles of provisions, but the thieves were either satisfied with what they had taken or became alarmed lest they would be detected.
From The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1864:
Stealing money from a negro.
–Mr. Alexander Gill yesterday made oath before the Mayor that on Saturday last he sent his little negro boy to the mill to buy some meal, but that while he was on his way thither he was set upon by John Bastin and some other white boys, who held him and took from his pocket a ten-dollar note, with which he was to purchase the meat. Bastin has the reputation of being a very bad boy, and is said to be attached to an organization on Oregon Hill, known as the “Forty Thieves.” The Mayor continued the case, in order to have before him other parties implicated in the affair.
Editor’s note: I left the term “negro” in this account as that what was printed in the record and what was commonly used in that time period. Certainly, I do not mean any offense with this historical post, nor do I intend to romanticize the criminality.
From the Richmond Police Department:
4th Precinct
1/7/11 10:00 p.m.
200 block of South Laurel Street
A male reported he was robbed by three unknown males.
From unofficial reports from neighbors:
Yesterday I drove
, a homeless man to the VA hospital. He had been severely beaten with purple bruises on the whole side of his face. He said it was a group of young kids on bicycles and the engaged him in conversation and one of them blind sided him and he fell to the ground. He was kicked a few times and then the rode off toward Broad Street. He did not recognize them from the neighborhood. I am concerned about this sort of thing.
Friday night about 10 pm, Richmond Police were @ St. Andrews, 800 block of Idlewood, between Cherry and Laurel, where 5-6 street men and women were camped out in the small alcove on Idlewood. One (man) was lying outside on the sidewalk covered in snow – an ambulance took him away on a stretcher. The rest were evicted and moved on with large amounts of baggage, sleeping bags – etc. … Some of these folks (men and women) are our own local squatters and panhandlers. Yesterday, what looked like the same man and others were discovered in the alcove and evicted again – the man could hardly stand up – let alone walk, he tried hanging on to the iron fence, but he soon fell in the street – the Fire Department showed up and once again he was taken away by ambulance on the stretcher.
Even trace amounts of tobacco can kill. As with pet waste, keeping litter off the ground is more than a social etiquette issue, its a health matter. Animals need all the help they can get.
From announcement:
Fourth Precinct
.The Community Assisted Public Safety (CAPS) meeting will be held:
. Date: Thursday, January 20, 2011
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Linwood Holton Elementary School
1600 W Laburnum AvenueWe will not hold a December meeting. May each of you have a blessed Holiday season.
Thank you
Jacki Page
Sr. Customer Services Representative
The Fourth Precinct Community Assisted Public Safety (CAPS) meeting will be held:
Date: Thursday, November 18, 2010
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Linwood Holton Elementary School
1600 W Laburnum Avenue
We look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you
Jacki Page
Sr. Customer Services Representative
Jacqueline.Page at
According to an email from Lt. Hood, Richmond Police and possibly VCU Police will meet at the corners of China and Pine (near Open High School) on Wednesday, October 20th at 4 PM for a roll call. Once the Roll Call is over, about 5-10 minutes, the Sector 413 officers will walk and/or bike around Oregon Hill. If you have been wanting to raise an issue with the police department, this would be the perfect time to do so.
Note: 100 block of N. Pine is not really in Oregon Hill, but north of Monroe Park.
Police report:
Fourth Precinct investigators need the public’s help to identify four people of interest in connection with a violent robbery of a 60-year-old woman Wednesday afternoon.
The three males and one female being sought are pictured in the below photos.
The victim was walking in the 100 block of Pine Street at approximately 3:30 p.m. Wednesday when two males pushed her to the ground and yanked off her purse.
The two males were last seen getting into a dark SUV, possibly a black Chevy Tahoe or black Yukon, and driving away.
The first suspect is described as a Latino male in his 20’s, weighing about 180 pounds, approximately 6’0” with short hair and a thin build. He was last seen wearing a navy blue shirt, tan shorts and tennis shoes.
The second suspect is described as a Latino male, age 20 to 21, approximately 5’9,” and weighing between 165 and 170 pounds. He was last seen wearing a black t-shirt.
If anyone has any information to identify these individuals, please call Crime Stoppers at 780-1000 or Detective A. Sleem at 646-2925.
From neighbors’ reports:
Around 10pm Friday night a young woman was stabbed in the chest during an altercation near the 300 block of S. Laurel St.- perhaps in or near Pleasants Park.
The ambulance arrived and the police shut down the street.
I have not seen anything in the media or from the police as of yet.