Car Break In Report

Editor’s note: I have been having difficulty receiving crime reports for the last week or so. I did reach out to Lt. Davenport from the Richmond Police Department and he did give me an update on car-break-ins:

From Lt. Davenport:

In regards to the car break-ins, there have been four reported in the last 30 days to RPD occurring in Oregon Hill. Three of those four involved unlocked motor vehicles and no property damage. The fourth was reported as locked and there was no property damage in that one either. These crimes have been curtailed for most of the year; however, I’ve seen an increase over the last month. I have 26 total vehicle break-ins occurring in Sector 413 last month with 65% of those involving vehicles that were unlocked.

Also, I will mention that Councilperson Parker Agelasto’s assistant Ida Jones posted this on his FaceBook:

5th District Residents we hear your concerns regarding leaf collection and we’re trying to get answers as fast as we can. Once we have a written statement from DPW (Department of Public Works) we will share. Thanks for your patience and understanding. ~ Ida Jones

Sunday Morning Accident

There was a bad accident Sunday morning shortly after 8 am at the corner of Idlewood and Belvidere.

2014-11-09 08.24.45

Paraphrased from a neighbor:

One of the officers on the scene said it was the result of a high speed chase with the suspect apprehended. The officer said the motorist had also struck a bicyclist further west of Oregon Hill. 3-4 cars were involved in the accident, with 2 people taken away in ambulances (the suspect presumably being one of them). There was also speculation from onlookers that the suspect was either mentally unstable or drugs were involved.

Noise Issues Continue To Be A Problem

In less pleasant news, noise issues continue to be a problem.

Neighbors complained of multiple fireworks going off at different intervals last night.

While this morning, neighbors were woken up by loud Top 40 music from a sound system at the VCU athletic fields over on Linden and W. Cary that could be heard as far south as the 600 blocks of S.Cherry and Laurel.

From one neighbor:

Sunday morning at 8:15 am, I was awakened by loud music blaring through my closed window. I finally went to the vcu athletic field at 9 and they were blaring loud as crap hip hop music. A Sunday morning! This has to stop.

The music is still blaring. It’s two hours straight now. Called vcu twice, met with vcu police once and an officer called me back and apologized for the noise. He said they brought their own sound system and that he has had multiple complaints every time this lacrosse group uses the field.