New Overlook condos under construction.
Category Archives: construction
Giant Hole In Laurel Street Off W. Cary
Oops. Oh, VCU.
New Construction Behind Fine Foods
I suspect this will be a new building for the food cart support business there.
Middleton Tackling Last of Overlook Development
Crews were out today inspecting the foundations for condos at the Overlook Townhouses. More on this soon. The developer Steven Middleton has want to finish this development for many years now.
Trail Work on North Bank Trail
The boardwalk on North Bank trail below Hollywood cemetery is being repaired starting tomorrow (8/30) and the trail will be closed between the first bridge heading west from Tredegar and the spot where the trail crosses the cemetery access road for a couple of days from around 8am-4pm while this work is taking place. Signs will be posted when the trail is closed. This work is being paid forby Groundwork RVA and is being led up by Will McQuate.
Dorm Demolition
Photo courtesy of William Pickett
Sewer Work at the Overlook
From this evening:
Barriers On Laurel Street
New barriers block a parking lane as deconstruction starts on GRC, in preparation for new one.
610 Spring Street Up
Following up on previous post….