Street Closure Next Week

From City press release:

For Immediate Release

December 20, 2017
For more information, contact:
Paige Hairston – (804) 646-3659

Street Closure – West Main Street

WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Street Closure

WHEN: Tuesday, December 26 to Friday, December 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: West Main Street between Belvidere and Laurel streets

BACKGROUND: The aforementioned area will be closed to install new sewer connections. This work is part of the Monroe Park renovation project. Westbound traffic on Main Street will be detoured to West Broad Street. Please drive carefully and follow the detour signs.


Yet Another Reminder of Construction and Road Closing

As appeared in the Fan District Association‘s newsletter:

Construction and Road Closing
Starting Thursday, October 5, 2017
The Department of Public Works (DPW) will start construction on the Idlewood Avenue, Grayland Ave, and RMTA on-ramp roundabout. The work is expected to last 120 days. During that time the road will be closed. “Resident and emergency access along Idlewood Avenue shall be maintained at all times. In addition to the roundabout, the project includes:
• Landscaped islands
• Pedestrian crosswalk markings
• Handicap ramps
• New signage
The improvement will reduce vehicle and pedestrian conflict points, provide slower operating speeds for motorists, and shorten the crossing distance.
The project does include up to three (3) weekend closures of the 195 off ramp, including a detour. After all hardscape is installed, the site will be landscaped, stabilized and the erosion measures will be removed. At completion, Idlewood Avenue will be converted to a two-way traffic between Harrison Avenue and Cherry Street.”
If you have questions/concerns, please contact Jian Xu, P.E. at 804-646-5402 or the city’s field inspector, Ned Bailey at 804-646- 1553.

Idlewood Roundabout Construction To Begin In October

Starting on Thursday, October 5, 2017 the Department of Public Works (DPW) will start construction on the Idlewood Avenue, Grayland Ave, and RMTA on-ramp roundabout. The work is expected to last 120 days. During that time the road will be closed. “Resident and emergency access along Idlewood Avenue shall be maintained at all times. In addition to the roundabout, the project includes:

• Landscaped islands
• Pedestrian crosswalk markings
• Handicap ramps
• New signage

The improvement will reduce vehicle and pedestrian conflict points, provide slower operating speeds for motorists, and shorten the crossing distance.

The project does include up to three (3) weekend closures of the 195 off ramp, including a detour. After all hardscape is installed, the site will be landscaped, stabilized and the erosion measures will be removed. At completion, Idlewood Avenue will be converted to a two-way traffic between Harrison Avenue and Cherry Street.”

If you have questions/concerns, please contact Jian Xu, P.E. at 804-646-5402 or the city’s field inspector, Ned Bailey at 804-646- 1553.

The Portland Loo

The Urban Design Committee agenda and related documents for the Thursday, September 7, 2017 meeting are now available on the City’s legislative website. The Committee will meet at 10 am in the Conference Room on the 5th Floor of City Hall.

Included is Item 6:

UDC 2017-33 Final Location, Character and Extent review of the “Portland Loo,” to be installed as a public facility, 719 W. Franklin St.

The full agenda can be accessed using the link below.