Category Archives: construction
Demolition of Historic Buildings on W. Cary
From press release:
For immediate release:
The Oregon Hill Community is saddened that negotiations over the historic buildings on the 800 block W Cary St have reached an impasse between the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association and the developer JD Lewis and demolition of the properties, listed on the National Register of Historic Places as part of the Oregon Hill Historic District, has begun. These five buildings, two dating to the 1830’s and built by historic Richmond figure Benjamin Green, have served Oregon Hill and downtown Richmond for generations as a gateway. The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association will vigorously proceed with our efforts to protect remaining Oregon Hill landmarks as well as other city landmarks.
Charles Todd Woodson, President
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Damaging Historic Canal (Again)
Neighbors were horrified today to see this giant excavator actually sitting in the wetlands of the canal scrapping away at the bank of the historic James River and Kanawha Canal, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and also listed as a federally protected wetlands. Sadly, this is certainly not the first time something like this has happened.
In 2011, the Richmond Times Dispatch reported that NewMarket Corporation destroyed a large section of the pre-Civil War Tredegar wall while preparing for a 2nd Street Connector, only obtaining the required permit after the fact. The neighborhood has tried to stay vigilant over the years. Yet in 2014, Venture Richmond destroyed a critical part of the canal.
It appears that this work may or may not be related to repairs on the Robert E. Lee Bridge. Residents are left questioning if more damage can be prevented in the future and what steps will be taken to repair the canal bank. But between the threatening demolition on W.Cary street, the disastrous ‘renovations’ in Monroe Park, and this new Canal situation, it is understandable that Oregon Hill residents and Richmond preservationists feel under siege.
Correspondent Of The Day- “Hoping developers blend new and old”
From today’s Times Dispatch…
Editor, Times-Dispatch:
It was with great interest that I recently read the news story about the protest by Oregon Hill residents over the planned development of the Paragon property on Cary Street.
Being a native of Richmond, Oregon Hill and the 600 block of Cary Street both hold a special place in my heart because my great-grandfather, Lewis Jacob, was born in the Jacob House in 1828. He lived with his brothers at various places in and around Oregon Hill and the early Fan during the 19th century.
Understandably, I was most disturbed — as were many others — to see the Jacob House moved in 1995 to its present location. However, in retrospect, the carefully planned addition of modern townhouses which developed behind it tastefully complemented its setting and today stands as a testament to a blending of the old with the new.
I sincerely hope that the developers of the Paragon property will take note that these buildings are living monuments to the people who made Richmond and that they have an opportunity to prove that the past can live with the present.
Robert J. Crouch.
Letter To The Editor: New structures in Fan should fit architecture
Richmond resident Nancy Everett has a ‘Correspondent Of The Day’ Letter To The Editor in today’s Richmond Times Dispatch newspaper:
Here’s part of it:
Certainly to each his own, but it seems the city should be concerned with preserving the style of architecture that attracts so many to Richmond. A case in point is the proposed structure on the 800 block of Cary Street.
It saddens me that historically significant buildings are not protected and preserved, but it horrifies me that there is no requirement that they be at least replaced with a building that fits the style of the surrounding neighborhood. I venture to say that, as has been the case historically, whenever a building is put up in the Fan that meets the current taste, it becomes an extreme regret 10 to 20 years down the road. The city should consider how it can preserve the unique architecture and vibe of our historic districts rather than risk them in the future.
Petition Launched- No805W—Save Oregon Hill Historic Buildings
A petition was launched online which addresses the J.D. Lewis Construction Company (According to a recent media report, these are the owners: “A group made up of Kevin O’Leary and James Flanigan, who own J.D. Lewis Construction Management, and local developer Larry Cluff are assembling 13 parcels near the corner of West Cary and South Laurel streets …”). There will be other written petitions at the public demonstration this afternoon.
From the petition language:
We, the concerned citizens of the City of Richmond, value our irreplaceable Historic Resources. They are the foundation and character of our beloved City. The antebellum buildings at 800 block of West Cary Street are classic examples of solid 19th century Virginian architecture that deserve to conserved and repurposed. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1991, this iconic street-scape could serve as a beautiful frontage to your new development.
We, the undersigned, urge you to avoid demolishing the historic buildings at 800 block West Cary Street and incorporate them into your designs.
OHNA Press Release with Letter In Regard To W. Cary Development
From press release:
For Immediate Release March 16, 2018
The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, in alliance with the Oregon Hill Home Improvement Council, is committed to ensuring a successful and historically sensitive development on the 800 block of W Cary Street. After meeting with the developers and reviewing the interpretations of the Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review regarding the plan of development for this project, we and other interested parties have identified serious concerns and seek clarification on a number of issues regarding allowances made that may be inconsistent with the established zoning parameters for the applicable zoning designation for this area and may cause irreparable damage to this historic district.. We find it in the best interest of the Oregon Hill Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, as well as the residents of the City of Richmond, to fairly and accurately apply these regulations in a lawful manner.
In light of the fact that the existing buildings on this block are profoundly important to the intrinsic fabric of our historic district, we ask that the city be especially cautious and re-examine their determinations cited in our attached letter. These buildings date from the 1830’s and later into the 19th century and stand as a testament to the craftsmanship and ingenuity of our forefathers. They deserve to be saved and preserved for the future.
This alliance of neighborhood advocacy groups has chosen to retain Andrew McRoberts of the Sands Anderson Law firm to represent our interests in this matter. We hereby respectfully present to the City of Richmond as well as to interested members of the public, an attached letter sent to the Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review outlining our concerns.
Charles Todd Woodson, president
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, March 2, 2018
From press release:
The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, by unanimous vote of its membership, has passed a resolution supporting the conservation of the buildings on the 800 block of W Cary St that are threatened with demolition by Richmond developers looking to erect an apartment building on the footprint. These buildings, the oldest being circa 1840, are listed as contributing structures to the National Register of Historic Spaces and serve as a gateway to both the Oregon Hill Historic District and to Downtown Richmond. We have offered to meet with the developers and see how we can come to the table and figure out an alternative to tearing them down. It would be tragic to lose these valuable historic resources.
C. Todd Woodson, president
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, inc
302 S Cherry St
Richmond Va 23220
Going West…
Other neighbors beat me to this, but many are enjoying the novelty of turning west off S. Cherry onto Idlewood now that it is two-way again and with the new Idlewood Roundabout(!):
IMG_2594 from Scott Burger on Vimeo.
I invites others to suggest a soundtrack for the video, but click here for my favorite.
And just to give a complete experience, here is another video coming off the Expressway:
IMG_2600 from Scott Burger on Vimeo.
It’s something we have waited many years for, so please excuse the giddiness.
Thanks to all the people who made this happen, past and present officials, most notably, Councilperson Parker Agelasto.
In the meantime the City sent out this press release:
Apartment Proposal For Corner Of Laurel And W. Cary
First, here is a photo taken today of the threatened four historic buildings at this main gateway to Oregon Hill.
Next, here are the front and rear renderings for the proposed apartment development at 801 W Cary St. This property is included in the recognized Oregon Hill Historic District.
This will certainly be a topic at the upcoming Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting on Tuesday.