Public To Pay For More Corporate Takeover Of Riverfront

From (recently re-elected) Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Todd Woodson:

On Monday, December 16th at 1:30PM, the City Planning Commission will hear a conceptual plan presented by Venture Richmond for a $17 million, taxpayer funded “improvement plan”, including a CORPORATE HELICOPTER PAD and DYNAMIC LIGHTING PLAN for publicly owned Browns Island, located on a flood plain in downtown Richmond. Venture Richmond and 3north held a planning charrette last April and invited DOMINION ENERGY, ALTRIA CORPORATION, NEW MARKET CORPORATION, certain developers, attorneys and City planning staff yet excluded the stake-holding public from the conversation. After being approved by only 3 members of the ten member Urban Design Committee last week, the proposal is poised to be approved “under the radar” by the planning commission on Monday. If you aren’t interested in building a corporate helipad on public property with taxpayer funds, I would urge you to attend and speak out against this ill conceived plan!

Of course, the corporate media has been silent about this, as they do not want to raise the ire of Venture (aka Vulture) Richmond. Remember, Richmond’s leaders don’t want to PUT SCHOOLS FIRST! Remember, corporate corruption takes from the public– even if most citizens agree with the improvements being made, they should not be excluded from the public planning process!

Proposed Cell Phone Tower Is Still An Issue

Neighborhood representatives recently received this ‘Section 106’ note in regard to the proposed cell phone towner on the 800 block of W.Cary that the neighborhood association has opposed.

This is to notify you that a new comment has been added to the following filing:
Comment Source: BirchCo, Inc.
Comment Date: 11/19/2019
Comment Text: Please note that the request to provide mock ups and photo documentation of same is still being considered and worked on by the applicant. Additional information will be provided to all parties as soon as it is available.

File Number: 0008777730
TCNS Number: 188256
Purpose: Update
Original Purpose: Collocation Submission Packet
Has the Communications Tower or Non-Tower Structure been the subject of SHPO/THPO review? No
Notification Date: 7AM EST 10/02/2019

Applicant: T-Mobile Northeast, LLC
Consultant: BirchCo, Inc.
Positive Train Control Filing Subject to Expedited Treatment Under Program Comment: No
Site Name: VA71951C / 805 West Cary
Site Address: 805 West Cary Street
Detailed Description of Project:
Site Coordinates: 37-32-40.0 N, 77-27-7.0 W
City: Richmond
Lead SHPO/THPO: Virginia Department of Historic Resources

Phone Tower Proposed and Opposed

c/o Adrian Berezowsky
BirchCo, Inc.
38 Heritage Lane
Lagrangeville NY 12540

Dear Mr Berezowsky,

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, inc met on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 and discussed the proposal to place a cell phone tower within the Oregon Hill Historic District at 805 W Cary Street, Richmond Va 23220. The group unanimously voted to oppose any Cell Phone tower or any additional height being added to the building at 805 w Cary Street. Oregon Hill is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and we find that adding a cell phone tower or any additional height to this building, which is located in a gateway to the neighborhood, would significantly degrade the integrity of the historic fabric of our historic neighborhood. It would be visible from many buildings listed as contributing structures to the National Register and would serve as an eyesore upon entering the neighborhood through this corridor. It would set a terrible precedent for blighting the visual and aesthetic appeal of historic resources located in the historic Richmond, Virginia area.

Please know that we will take all legal measures in our power to defeat such an ill conceived proposal should you intend to pursue it.


Charles T. Woodson, president
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association, inc.

Pita Pit Chain Coming To Oregon Hill

Richmond Bizsense is reporting that a chain restaurant will be part of the new development at S.Laurel and W.Cary Streets.

Pita Pit signed a lease in recent weeks to take about 900 square feet in the 805W project – a four-story, 100-unit apartment development with about 8,000 square feet of ground floor space – that’s under construction at 805 W. Cary St.