VCUramnation Forum Reveals Continued Falsehoods and Arrogance

Fighting them off forever, and believe me, I have no desire to keep rehashing this controversy. It’s unfortunate that a few VCU boosters and sports fans continue to put their school in such a bad light.

From :

VRam said: ↑
Whatever happened to those abandoned barns that were falling down? Did they relocate them?

(vcu2008hsep replied:)

If I remember correctly, the stables were dated back to the late 1800s. There was no historical significance to them and were essentially derelict and used for storage. When the Cary St was expanded, those old buildings were torn down….

vcu2008hsep, Feb 26, 2013

All I can do to counter the lies and misinformation is keep posting the truth:

There were other posts too, but not all of them have survived over time. Thanks to misconceptions spread in the local media, many people have no idea that one of the livery stables, before it was taken by VCU, was completely renovated and occupied as a living space. It was even admired in an article that appeared on the front page of the Times Dispatch’s real estate section (of course the link to that story is long gone).

I would not care so much about responding to this VCUramnation drivel, but in addition to the revisionist history-making, there seems to be constant scheming about how to destroy more of our historic neighborhood. Again from VCUramnation:

“And, this is a contemporary thought – since Williams Mullen built thir skraper on top of the RMA parking deck that was built over the Expressway. Not sure why in our latest athletics complex plan (which seemingly mapped out all of the possibilities in the world) did not include one like this. Parkwood is already pretty much a dead street pass Harrison. Cumberland can be re-routed as a tunnel underneath the new athletics complex. Do the same for Grayland, with impressive entrance/exits to the Expressway.

The new complex, Ram Village, would be bordered by Cary to the north, Harrison to the west, Linden to the east, and Idlewood to the south.”

I am perfectly happy to allow VCU to bask in its continued success and improvement, and I have nothing against good-natured school spirit, but the intellectual dishonesty and continued threats of encroachment are dishonorable and unfitting for an institution of higher learning.

In the end, its up to the VCU administration to set the tone for their community relations, and yet they refuse to recognize it, again and again.

James River Park History

I have uncovered some of the what-ifs, but thanks to Phil Riggan for this “History of Splashy Plans for James River Parks” on


According to the RTD archives, there were proposals to have “water-related leisure development” on Belle Isle — Richmond’s downtown gem on the James — including an visitor’s center, ice skating rink, waterfront auditorium and a conference center. People could have gotten to the island by way of a monorail that would have connected to downtown Richmond.
The $6 million in riverfront plans at that time did not cover for the proposed monorail and other buildings on Belle Isle, which would have been paid for through private funding. Monorail screams “Disney,” right? We would have been robbed of the pleasure of walking across the Belle Isle pedestrian bridge under the Robert E. Lee Bridge, which opened in 1992. The view of the city skyline from there alone is worth any price and we’re much better off.

Something to think about as more of the area gets paved over.