Idlewood Roundabout Project Receives Funding From VCU

This ordinance was passed by City Council last night:

Ord. No. 2013-209 (Patron: Mayor Jones) – To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to accept $250,000 from Virginia Commonwealth University and to appropriate the increase to the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Capital Budget by increasing estimated revenues and the amount appropriated to the Department of Public Works’ Traffic Calming/Idlewood Roundabout project in the Transportation category by $250,000 for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Idlewood Avenue, Grayland Avenue and an off ramp from the Downtown Expressway.

More on this here and here.

Theater Controversies Continue: Venture Richmond Main Stage Comparisons

This weekend Venture Richmond employees and volunteers will be putting together stages for the upcoming Folk Festival. Still looming in the background is the controversy over Venture Richmond’s ‘Tredegar Green’ theater plan. It seems like a good time to present this information from concerned citizen C. Wayne Taylor:

I have an aerial photo that show the Newmarket venue after a festival. People trampled the grass except where it was protected by structures. The stage, control tent, cable runs, and concession tents locations are clearly visible as green areas. I marked the areas that the audience occupied; excluding space for foot traffic.

Then I laid the area over the Venture Richmond (ed.- proposed ‘Tredegar Green’) site. It’s interesting that none of the Newmarket footprint reaches the “upper lawn” of the VR site. Spectators in the upper lawn would be further away from the stage than anyone at the Newmarket venue.

Sq Ft Percent
Newmarket 86,234 100%

Venture Richmond

Lower 34,567 40%

Upper 16,419 19%

TOTAL 50,986 59%

Reduction 35,248 41%

The canal, street, etc. on the Venture Richmond site eliminate 60% of the Newmarket footprint. The upper lawn adds back 19%. That is a net reduction of 41%.

The Venture Richmond venue is very poor and cannot accommodate the crowds experienced on the Newmarket site. I think a main reason Berry (ed.- Jack Berry of Venture Richmond) wants to modify the canal is to increase the lower lawn square footage.

It appears to me that it really does make sense to consider moving the main stage to Brown’s Island and move the two stages on Brown’s Island to the lower lawn and upper lawn. The sizes of the venues would more closely match the sizes of the audiences. The regrading expense would be less. I don’t understand why Berry has rejected that alternative.

3 2012 venture richmond venue2 2012 newmarket venue 21 2012 newmarket venue

As the Folk Festival (Venture Richmond’s propaganda push) gets closer, expect more information and history to be shared on It’s important to recognize that Oregon Hill is not against the Folk Festival, but the neighborhood association is strongly against the current ‘Tredegar Green’ plan that Venture Richmond is wrongly insisting on and arrogantly pushing upon our historic neighborhood.

Plans for Zip Lines Across James River

Last night at the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting, most of the discussion was about Venture Richmond forcing a 10,000 person theater upon the neighborhood, with no restrictions.

There was also a short presentation by Kern Smith on a business plan to put zip lines across the James River in several places, including a site near the Lee Bridge on Oregon Hill’s side. It remains to be seen if this will be considered an acceptable use under the James River Park Conservation Easement.

Here is a video of a zip line, similar to what is being proposed, in action in San Francisco:

UDC Did Not Approve Of Venture Richmond’s Proposed Theater; Planning Commission Decides Tomorrow; Overlook Condos Releases Statement, and Oh Look, There Is A Lease!

In case you did not not know already, the City Of Richmond’s Urban Design Committee did NOT approve Venture Richmond’s amphitheater, wait, sorry, THEATER plan this past Monday. Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Jennifer Hancock gave a great speech on behalf of the association, and Laurel Street neighbor Caroline Cox spoke in regard to the parking and noise problems associated with putting an amphitheater directly below Oregon Hill. Pine Street neighbor Bryan Green who serves on the Urban Planning Commission was one of four who voted against the plan.

Tomorrow, the proposal will be at City’s the Planning Commission (1:30pm, on the fifth floor at City Hall).

Venture Richmond, as expected, has threatened that this Folk Festival will be its last if they don’t get what they want and most of the local media is going with their storyline.

Meanwhile, the Overlook Unit Owners Association board has released the following statement:

1. Our Overlook community is made up of a wide variety of residents, including young professionals, working people of all ages, retirees, families with young children, graduate and undergraduate students.

2. We support the work that the City and Venture Richmond has done to develop the Riverfront and encourage more people to visit and live in the city.

3. Our residents enjoy the entertainment and other amenities available downtown, including concerts, festivals, parks, art galleries and restaurants.

4. We frequent and support the Richmond Folk Festival.

5. We believe that it is important that decisions made by the City and non-governmental institutions regarding the use of land be sensitive to the impact those decisions will have on neighbors living close-by.

6. We acknowledge that some alterations of the canal may be necessary. We support restoring the canal in a manner that will be both historically accurate by allowing canal boat traffic from Maymont to Third Street and the use of Tredgar Green as an amphitheater.

7. We prefer that the Tredegar Green area remain green and undeveloped, with only occasional use for amplified performances. We are concerned that a stage at the base of the Lee Bridge would disturb the peace of some members of our community if concerts were scheduled there regularly without restriction.

8. We note that loud events on a stage aimed directly at the Virginia War Memorial would destroy the peace and tranquility of that facility. The Virginia War Memorial is a sacred place for thousands of friends and family members of Virginia’s fallen veterans. We hope that Venture Richmond and the Virginia War Memorial can coordinate schedules to not have events on the same day, with priority going to the Virginia War Memorial.

9. We ask that, if approved, amplified events at Tredegar Green be limited to no more than 15 days per year and not run past 10:00PM on weeknights and 11:00PM on Fridays and Saturdays.

10. If more events are scheduled for the site at the foot of the Lee Bridge, large crowds and parking issues in our neighborhood will move from an occasional inconvenience to a frequent problem. The Overlook development was approved by the City with the assumption that reasonable street parking would be available to residents, supplemented by limited off-street parking on our land. Frequent events that draw thousands to our neighborhood would destroy that basic assumption, resulting in an unfair burden on our residents.

11. We ask that a reasonable volume limit be put on performances at the amphitheater stage.

Also, Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool, when he has not been researching the history of the Kanawha Canal, has been asking the City a lot of questions. Under the Va. Freedom of Information Act, he requested on Aug. 26, 2013, “Any lease agreements or draft lease agreements regarding the use of City of Richmond property by Venture Richmond for an amphitheater.” His FOIA request was copied to the City Attorney. The use of City property for Venture Richmond’s proposed amphitheater is an item on the agenda of the Sept. 16, 2013 meeting of the Richmond City Planning Commission.

On Sept. 9, 2013, he received a response from a City employee on behalf of city administrator Byron Marshall, that “the City is not in possession of any records responsive to your requests nor is the City aware of the existence of any records responsive to your request.”

After receiving this response from the city administration that the lease did not exist, and after he notified all of the City Planning Commissioners that the lease did not exist, he actually received the lease agreement that someone else had independently received from the city attorney. Here is a link to the lease agreement, which the administration denied existed until two business days before the Planning Commission hearing:

Among other things, this lease agreement is significant because it states that Venture Richmond must maintain the existing city parking for the public except for limited circumstance related to use of the property for an event like the Folk Festival. But Venture Richmond is proposing unlimited use of the proposed amphitheater which would be leased with no limit on the number of events annually.

60 Pages On Venture Richmond’s Amphitheater Proposal

In time for the UDC Committee meeting on Thursday morning, comes this OHHIC analysis of Venture Richmond’s amphitheater proposal (Pool). (This links to a PDF that is very large and may take some time to load).

Will the City and Venture Richmond consider these 60 pages or will they continue to blow off input from Oregon Hill residents?

5th District Meeting Tomorrow/ No CAPS Meeting This Thursday

From email:

Dear 5th District Resident,

The purpose of this email is to notify you of our 5th District meeting on tomorrow, August 14 at 6:30 pm at the Randolph Community Center (1415 Grayland Avenue). Agenda items include a Richmond Public Schools update from school board representative Ms. Mamie Taylor, a programming update from Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities, a special presentation from GRTC regarding route updates, an update on City Stadium and a Richmond City Council legislative update.

We’d also like to remind you that we will host a community clean-up this Saturday, August 17th in the Carytown and Stadium neighborhoods. We will be meeting at 9:00 a.m. at the City Stadium parking lot (600 McCloy St.). If you are interested in volunteering please contact our office at 804-646-5724.


Parker C. Agelasto
Richmond City Council, 5th District

Also, from email:

Good afternoon, all!

This is a reminder that there will be no 4th precinct CAPS meeting for this month, in keeping with our summer break tradition. (We also don’t meet in December).

Our next meeting will be September 19th, at 6 pm at Linwood Holton Elementary, as usual.

As always feel free to get in touch with me with questions, comments, or concerns.

Thanks as always,
Matt Toner
(804) 646-1062- desk
(804) 357-6969- mobile
matthew.toner (at)

Laurel Street Closure This Saturday

From City press release:

For Immediate Release
July 31, 2013
For more information, contact:
Sharon North – (804) 646-5607

Street Closure – North Laurel Street
WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Street Closure

WHEN: Saturday, August 3, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: North Laurel Street between Main Street and South Cathedral Place

BACKGROUND: The aforementioned area will be closed to allow for installation of an HVAC unit using a rubber tire crane.


Idlewood Roundabout Plan Becomes Funded and Closer To Reality

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Jennifer Hancock announced good news in regard to the Idlewood Roundabout proposal by making public an email from Councilperson Parker Agelasto:

Our roundabout is finally going to become a reality thanks to Parker.


From: Agelasto, Parker C. – Council Member
Subject: Idlewood Roundabout

Hello everyone,

I wanted to provide an update regarding the Idlewood Roundabout. Each and everyone one of you contributed to a campaign to make this a priority. My fellow Councilmembers and the Administration heard you clearly. The project that has been discussed for nearly 15 years is finally going to be a reality.

Thanks to Brian Ohlinger for working with us to secure the $250,000 funding support from VCU for this initiative. This provided the necessary leverage for the project to get the attention of those at City Hall. Likewise the commitment from the St. Andrews Association to permit easements for the project made it very doable. The City has set aside $200,000 in the FY2014 capital improvement budget. This will leverage another $200,000 through VDOT’s revenue sharing program. The project thus has $650,000 and should begin over the next 12 months.

CAO Byron Marshall has been very helpful throughout the process. If you happen to see him, please thank him for his support of the Idlewood Roundabout. In the meantime, I will try to organize a public presentation on the project once the Department of Public Works has more specific information to share.

Parker C. Agelasto
Richmond City Council, 5th District

Editor’s Note: This corresponds to number 5 of my own top ten issues for the neighborhood. With issues 4,5,6,7 all getting somewhat addressed (and a sincere hearty thanks to those who helped make that happen), it may be time to repopulate the list with some new issues.