Traffic Closures

From City release:

Traffic Advisory – Street Closure – Main and Franklin Streets

WHEN: Starting at 7:00 am on October 10 and ending at 7:00 pm on October 11.

BACKGROUND: Franklin Street between North Harrison and North Laurel Streets will be closed to dismantle the pedestrian bridge at VCU. Follow the road signs.

Also, detour at the intersection of S. Laurel and China Streets. It looks like some manhole work is being done. There are some weird parking restrictions as well.


Repairing Monroe’s Tomb

Charlottesville’s Daily Progress has an article on repair plans for Monroe’s tomb in Hollywood Cemetery.


The ornate tomb of James Monroe in Richmond’s Hollywood Cemetery will undergo a yearlong restoration intended to preserve its iron canopy, known as the “Birdcage,” in the hopes of restoring its original color.
The tomb of America’s fifth president will be taken apart starting this week, according to the state Department of General Services, which announced the $900,000 repair project Tuesday morning. The canopy will be disassembled and removed, while the granite sarcophagus will remain in place.
The work, expected to be completed by next September, is being timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Monroe’s election as president in 1817.

Getting Ready For The Next 120 Years…

From St. Andrew’s School FaceBook page:

The stunning Star of Bethlehem has been safely rewired and the ceiling above it repaired. It now shines continuously above the stage in Baldwin Hall. Floors are being stripped down to the original wood, air conditioning is installed in Baldwin Hall – for the first time EVER! Old tile floors are being stripped, an old entrance is being opened up and made grand again and new offices are being created from old spaces. The central stairway is the last part to have the plaster renewed and on the exterior, every nook and cranny is being repaired and protected from water. We’re almost ready for The Next 120 Years.


Lane Closure – Belvidere Street Bridge

From City press release:

For Immediate Release
July 28, 2015
For more information, contact:
Paige Hairston – (804) 646-3659

Lane Closure – Belvidere Street Bridge
WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Lane Closure

WHEN: Wednesday, July 29 through Friday, August 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: Belvidere Street Bridge over Brook Road and CSX

BACKGROUND: There will be alternating lane closures between northbound and southbound Belvidere Street to prepare for the mill and overlay of the bridge.


Nearby Townhouse Project Update

RichmondBizsense has a new article on the new residential project in Randolph, just on the edge of Oregon Hill along South Harrison Street.


Foundations for the third and final phase of TriBeCa, a 23-unit townhome development just south of VCU whose name is an acronym for “Triangle Below Cary Street,” are being built along South Harrison Street, across from the project’s two completed phases.

Construction began at the start of this month and is expected to wrap up by mid-March, said Dave Johannas, the architect and one of two developers on the project.

Two rows of attached homes have been built on the east side of Harrison, just south of the triangle that inspired TriBeCa’s name – a vacant piece of land bordered by Harrison and Grayland and Idlewood avenues.

The first phase along Harrison was completed seven years ago, while a second cluster of homes on the Dobson Street side of the block wrapped up earlier this summer. The third phase will add a row of nine detached homes along the west side of Harrison, between Idlewood and Wallace Street.

It should be noted that there will be change in the traffic pattern near this project, with the planned Idlewood Roundabout.

Idlewood Roundabout – Schedule / Status Update

From City Transportation Engineer Michael B. Sawyer:

Mr. Woodson / CM Agelasto: I trust all is well.

Per your request, please see the schedule below for the Idlewood Roundabout construction. We are currently in the process to acquire the necessary right-of-way (ROW).

Event Estimated Completion Date
Plan Complete Aug, 2015
Right of Way Aug./Sept., 2015
Bid Advertisement Sept., 2015
Award Contract if successful bid process Dec., 2015
Start Construction Jan., 2016
Complete construction April, 2016

Possible Demolition and Replacement of the VCU Gladding Residence Center

From Councilperson Agelasto’s FaceBook page:

Many VCU students live in the immediate neighborhoods surrounding Monroe Park. Last year, VCU composed a Housing Master Plan to address its future need for on-campus options. Take a look at plans that include the possible demolition and replacement of the Gladding Residence Center on W. Main Street. The entire proposal would net an additional 800+ on-campus beds for students.

Some Oregon Hill neighbors have already stressed to VCU officials the importance of preserving the historic Branch Bath House on Main Street, which is part of the Gladding Residence Center.

Architect Robert Winthrop was instrumental in convincing VCU to save the Branch Bath #2 when they built the Gladding residence.