Photo taken today of workman doing repairs on Pine St. Baptist Church‘s iron fence.
Category Archives: construction
New Fire Hydrant On S. Cherry
I was gratified to see workers installing a new hydrant yesterday (Sunday). Click here for the SeeClickFix post. Here’s a photo before the new replacement:
More City Pipe Work At The End of S. Cherry
‘Tredegar Green’ – Still No Response To Neighborhood Concerns
Venture Richmond, a very powerful special interests group, still has plans to apply for re-zoning the Tredegar Green property near Oregon Hill. Venture Richmond has talked about the need for Oregon Hill to compromise on the site’s planned use, and discussions between Venture Richmond and the neighborhood have been conducted over the last few years. However, the lawyer representing Oregon Hill, Andrew McRoberts, reports that there has been no reply from Venture Richmond representatives, not even a confirmation of the letter he sent outlining Oregon Hill’s very reasonable wishes over six months ago. All other inquiries by all residents of Oregon Hill had likewise been ignored (so much for “public-private partnership”).
The latest Venture Richmond communications to City staff reveal gross inadequacy:
No real commitment to event management planning- crowd, parking, trash, etc.
Sound levels are to be monitored, but this is meaningless because there is no decibel limit on sound, etc.
No height limitation (even though the DCC zoning would allow any owner of the property to build up to 95 feet in height by right — right in front of the Va. War Memorial’s view of the river!)
All the media has reported is that Jack Berry, Venture Richmond’s Executive Director, is planning to run for the position of Mayor of the City of Richmond. Perhaps he thinks he can do an even better job of putting off the public’s concerns than the current Mayor.
Cherry Street Closed Again
Venture Richmond Installing Stairs Along Canal
A report confirms that Venture Richmond is installing stairs on the steep slopes leading into it’s “Tredegar Green” area from the “Brown’s Island Way” street – one where the tow path intersects the street, and two on the upper tier.
Cherry Street Manhole Work
Today the crew uncovered one of the old trolley tracks on the 300 block of S. Cherry Street. (To learn more about the trollies, you may want to check out the documentary-in-progress, Richmond Had Rails.) Tomorrow morning they will be cutting it to make room for manhole which rises from directly underneath it.
New Overlooks For Hollywood Cemetery
The Times Dispatch has news of three new overlook river viewing areas planned for Hollywood Cemetery.
Excerpt from article:
“It’s going to be a beautiful spot where you can really come and sit and enjoy the spectacular view,” said Kelly Jones Wilbanks, the executive director of Friends of Hollywood Cemetery.
She said construction of the first overlook is scheduled to begin with a groundbreaking Friday, and work should be complete this spring.
The structure will include landscaping and “ample seating,” she said. It’s being designed by Van Yahres Studio of BCWH Architects.
Richmond Community Solar Co-op
The Richmond Community Solar Co-op had an info session last night at Henrico County’s Tuckahoe Library.
Here is the basic information:
Want to Go Solar on Your Home or Business in the greater Richmond area? Join the Richmond Community Solar Co-op
Neighbors in Richmond have formed a solar co-op to make going solar easier and cheaper. Co-op members use their group buying power to get a discount and work with the support of the non-profit VA SUN as they go solar. VA SUN brought the first Solarize program to Virginia and has helped hundreds of homeowners go solar in the Commonwealth.
Based on the same principle as buying in bulk, co-op members purchase solar systems together to save money and share knowledge. The group uses a competitive bidding process to select a single company that will install systems on all of the participating homes. Each participant signs his or her own contract with the installer, but everyone gets the bulk discount.
By going solar as a group we can save up to 20% off the cost of a solar system. You’ll also have the support of the group instead of navigating an often-complicated process alone. VA SUN is supporting the group effort.
Contact: Aaron Sutch, VA SUN Program Manager (
Community Partner: Sekar Veerapan (