Street Closures For VCU Construction

From City press release:

Street/Lane Closure – South Pine, West Cary, West Main and South Laurel

WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works

WHAT: Street/Lane Closure

WHEN: Monday, July 25, 2016 to August 1, 2016

WHERE: The following areas will be impacted:

– South Pine Street between W. Main & W. Cary streets
– Portion of parking lane on W. Cary between Laurel & Pine streets
– Parking lane on W. Main between Laurel & Pine streets
– Parking lane on Laurel between W. Main & W. Cary streets

BACKGROUND: The aforementioned areas will be closed during construction of student housing at VCU Monroe Campus.

For more information, contact: Sharon North 804-646-5607

So it begins…the Gladding Residence Center Capital Project

Brick Sidewalk Work Celebrated

Many neighbors along S. Laurel Street are very excited and appreciative about the brick sidewalk work that is being done.

Neighbor Kathy Talley had this to day:

I am especially pleased at how the handicapped accessible corners were done at Laurel and Spring: as much brick as possible was preserved. It is a huge improvement over what was done at Pine and Spring a couple of years ago: just using all concrete. The new method should become the city standard.


Still to be done:

(I think we can cross off #7 off the old list.)

New Hollywood Cemetery River Overlook

From Hollywood Cemetery’s FaceBook page:


The first of our three new James River overlooks is complete! Extensive landscaping will begin this fall.

A special thanks to the James River Garden Club, the Dominion Foundation, Richard S. Reynolds Foundation, and the Bob and Anna Lou Schaberg Fund at the Virginia Nonprofit Housing Coalition for making this new addition possible

Museum Expansion At Tredegar

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports planned construction of a $37 million, 28,500-square-foot building that is expected to begin early next year. American Civil War Museum Foundation president Waite Rawls says the new building will offer expanded gallery spaces, an experience theater and improved storage and preservation areas for the museum’s collections of Civil War artifacts. It should open around summer 2018.

Click here for full article.