From email announcement:
Tuesday, March 25 at 7pm. Agenda and link to join attached and below.
Join Zoom Meeting (Editor’s note: Zoom link redacted. Please contact
Community and local Officials Updates: Police, VCU, RVA, City Council
Committee updates: Zoning, FoOHP, RvaPB, Stop Sign Safety (Bylaws cte will present during “Discussions” portion of the meeting
April OHNA meeting to be in person, 6pm at Pine Street Baptist; supper, presentation from PSB.
April “Big Event” neighborhood clean up day with VCU student volunteers
Bylaws Committee presentation and discussion (no vote)
New Business:
O T H E R N E W S:
Save the Date: April OHNA meeting and Pasta Supper!
April’s OHNA meeting will be in person Tuesday April 22 at Pine Street Baptist Church! Our hosts will provide a pasta supper, make a presentation about updates at PSB, and surveying neighbors about what role they would like the church to have in the community. We will begin early: 6pm. Hope to see you there!
Friends of Oregon Hill Parks news:
Holly Street Playground upgrade: The next FOOHP HSP upgrade event, an engagement and feedback session, will be April 24 at 5:30 pm at Pine Street Baptist Church
Holly Street Playground cleanup day: Sunday Apr 13, Holly St. Playground
Oregon Hill Easter Egg Hunt, Holly Street Playground, Sunday April 13 at 3pm
Oregon Hill Open Garden Day: May 17.
Add your garden to the tour! Email:
Historic Richmond is hosting a free community lecture, “Preservation is Planning,” Thursday, March 27th at 6 – 8pm, at Monumental Church (1224 E Broad St)
Zoning “Code Refresh:”
Learn more about this project, review neighborhood “Pattern Books” and provide your opinion: []
Online survey ends March 31: []
SIGN UP to receive updates from our City Council Member, Stephanie Lynch:
People’s Budget (Participatory Budgeting)
It’s almost time to vote for the projects submitted, including an OH Dog Park. CLICK HERE to learn everything you need to know! You can vote:
Online – Vote from anywhere, anytime between April 1-15
In-Person – Visit a voting location on select dates in April
V O L U N T E E R:
VCU “Big Event” OH neighborhood Cleanup
Students will volunteer to help us in a neighborhood clean up, meeting at Pleasants Park on Sat April 5 at 9:30 am.
Volunteer for your street! Email:
Joint OHNA / VCU Community-Student Problem-Solving Workgroup
Frustrated by students throwing loud parties and littering? Volunteer to meet with VCU police and students affairs staff to develop plans to integrate students into the neighborhood and reduce problem behavior. Email:
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
Valerie L’Herrou, President
Bryan Clark Green, Co-Vice President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice President
Susan Hill, Co-Vice President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
David Shannon, Co-Vice President
Scott Racette, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer