I was gratified to see workers installing a new hydrant yesterday (Sunday). Click here for the SeeClickFix post. Here’s a photo before the new replacement:
Category Archives: Cherry Street
City Responsibilities
Picking up where we left off last year, just as it is residents’ responsibility to clear off the sidewalk in front of their houses to the best of their abilities, it is the City’s responsibility to clear off the overpass bridges and their sidewalks (not the RMA or VCU!).
There is also a missing public trash can at the corner of S. Pine and Idlewood. Which begs the question of when Oregon Hill will receive better public trash/recycling containers? (Councilperson Agelasto has done what he can).
Short editorial:
When it comes to money and attention, maybe Oregon Hill can pass a collection plate at Mayor Jones’ church.
More City Pipe Work At The End of S. Cherry
Cherry Street Closed Again
Cherry Street Manhole Work
Today the crew uncovered one of the old trolley tracks on the 300 block of S. Cherry Street. (To learn more about the trollies, you may want to check out the documentary-in-progress, Richmond Had Rails.) Tomorrow morning they will be cutting it to make room for manhole which rises from directly underneath it.
617 Cherry Street, circa 1981-1982
This photo is before the historic John Miller house went under extensive renovation. Holly Street Playground is in the background. Photo published with permission from Richard Lee Bland.
Richmond Marathon Gridlocks Neighborhood Car Traffic
Blunt Died At 4:20
James Blunt, Sr. died on this day in 1922 at 226 S. Cherry Street. From the Times Dispatch for Nov. 14 of that year:
Dumb drug humor aside (and I mean no disrespect to Mr. Blunt or his descendants), a lot of Oregon Hill residents enjoy learning the history of their houses, including what ghosts may be present.
Accident At S. Cherry and Idlewood
Neighbor says “Child involved. Will be very good to get the roundabout in.”
Click here for the last status given for the roundabout project.
Hit and Run on S. Cherry
From RAIDSonline.com:
Aug 12, 2015 at 10:00 pm
Data provided by Richmond Police Department