James River History: Lecture II on Wednesday

From event description:

The Department of Historic Resources’ Underwater Archaeology Program is leading presentations about the history of the James River and its impacts on the City of Richmond. We hope you’ll join us for these talks, and then go on guided walks and river cleanups.
The second public lecture in this series will take place on Wednesday, May 3, 6 pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. The presentation will focus on the cultural history of Richmond as a port and center around Richmond’s maritime landscape below the Fall Line, highlighting the events and places that have influenced the founding and growth of the city.
Attendees at this lecture will be given details and a chance to sign up for a guided walking tour and cleanup, scheduled for Saturday, May 6, at Ancarrow’s Landing in Richmond’s Manchester neighborhood.
DHR is hosting this event in partnership with the City of Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities’ James River Park System and the Current Culture Fly Shop. The event is part of a series that satisfies the outreach component of a larger DHR program supported by grants from the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund. The program seeks to collect additional data on the maritime history of the James River. The Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund is financed through a portion of the proceeds from the annual subscription fees of the “Friends of the Chesapeake Bay” license plates.

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 25 April 2023
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – April
Time: Apr 25, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
(Editor’s note: meeting information redacted, email OHNARva@gmail.com to request it)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hiddle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 5,000 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The Zoning Committee met with the applicant and asked them to reconsider demolition and incorporate the historic building into their new construction.
· The applicant has declined to make revisions and wishes to proceed with demolition and replacement.
· The item was placed on the 3 April agenda. At that meeting, it was continued until the next meeting, 17 April. At that meeting, it was continued for a month, until the 15 May meeting (an agenda is not yet available for that meeting)

Continued Business

3. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been several recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

1. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for 601 ½ South Pine Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel and to construct a new, two-family detached dwelling which will be configured to appear as a single-family dwelling from the street.
· The proposed new two-family detached dwelling would be two stories tall fronting China Street
· This SUP will be reviewed by the zoning committee, and a presentation and recommendation will be brought to an upcoming PHNA meeting (subject to the ability to schedule a meeting with the applicant to discuss their proposal)

2. A volunteer has agreed to head up a committee looking into locations for a dedicated dog park in Oregon Hill and addressing the various city requirements for such an undertaking.
· Any other volunteers?

3. Any new items?

Bryan Clark Green, President

Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President

Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President

Mike Matthews, Secretary

John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tonight

From email announcement:

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 28 March 2023
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – March
Time: Mar 28, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

(Editor’s note Remote log-in/Zoom link information redacted. Email ohnarva@gmail.com and request it.)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hiddle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 5,000 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
o The applicant has informed us that they will start meeting with interested neighbors, including OHNA.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The Zoning Committee met with the applicant and asked them to reconsider demolition and incorporate the historic building into their new construction.
· The applicant has declined to make revisions, and wishes to proceed with demolition and replacement. This is the application before us this evening.

3. A vote is requested on the following resolution: “Resolved: that OHNA, as a matter of policy, opposes the demolitions of neighborhood buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places, both those individually listed and those listed as contributing resources to the Oregon Hill Historic District.”

Continued Business

4. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been several recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

5. Any items?

Bryan Clark Green, President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow

From email announcement:

Good evening OHNA members,

I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting. This meeting will be hybrid: we will meet in person in the chapel of St. Andrew’s Church, and there will also be a zoom link available to access the meeting remotely, below.

Attached to this email are:
1. the agenda for our Tuesday 28 February 2023 meeting (also pasted below),
2. the 2023 schedule of OHNA meetings

We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 28 February 2023
This meeting will be hybrid:
we will meet in person in the chapel of St. Andrew’s Church;
the meeting will also be available by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – February
Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
(For Zoom and phone meeting info, contact OHNA at ohnarva@gmail.com)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 5,000 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
o The applicant has not yet scheduled a meeting with OHNA.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The Zoning Committee met with the applicant and asked them to reconsider demolition and incorporate the historic building into their new construction.
· The applicant has not yet come back to the neighborhood with a revision.

Continued Business

3. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been several recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

4. Any items?

Bryan Clark Green, President

Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President

Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President

Mike Matthews, Secretary

John Bolecek, Treasurer

Belle Island History Hike This Saturday

The James River Park and its Friends Of group are holding a Belle Island history hike this Saturday.

Join us for a family friendly hike to one of Richmond’s historic gems, Belle Isle. Learn about the geologic and human history of the area and the role Richmond played in the development of our nation. Please bring water, a snack and good shoes.
Street parking on 5th street
Belle Isle parking lot
Tredegar parking lot $3 per hour or $18 for the day
Ages: 8 and Up
Location: Meet at the visitor sign in the Belle Isle parking lot under the Lee Bridge
This event is free, but spaces are limited and registration is required.
To Register contact Tyler Twyford: John.Twyford@rva.gov

Lynch’s 5th District ‘Townhall Meeting’ On Feb. 16

5th District Councilperson Stephanie Lynch has an upcoming ‘town hall meeting’ on February 16th.

From announcement:
We would love to see you for the IN PERSON 5th District Town Hall next Thursday, February 16 at the Woodland Heights Baptist Church (611 W. 31st Street).
We will focused on the upcoming budget season, your priorities, and there will be a short update on the Charter Change Commission.
We will be recording the meeting for upload after the meeting.

Co-Hosted Ranked Choice Voting Roundtable in Richmond

From announcement:

Forward Party of Virginia, UpVote Virginia, and FairVote Virginia will co-host a Ranked Choice Voting Roundtable in Richmond.

When: February 16, 2023 at 6:00pm
Where: Richmond Main Library, Annex room
101 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219, United States
Contact: Erin Phelan erin.forwardparty@gmail.com

BTW, I don’t think any Richmond university student governments have claimed my money yet

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association will be meeting online on Zoom tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24th, at 7pm.

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 24 January 2023
This meeting will be by Zoom only.

(Editor’s note: Zoom connection information redacted, request it by sending email to ohnarva@gmail.com)


• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 5,000 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
o Applicant has not yet scheduled a meeting with OHNA
2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The Zoning Committee met with the applicant, and asked them to reconsider demolition and incorporate the historic building into their new construction
· The applicant has not yet come back to the neighborhood with a revision
Continued Business

3. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been a number of recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

4. Any items?

Bryan Clark Green, President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA: Meeting Schedule, 2023
Fourth Tuesday of each month
Zoom information to be sent before meeting, while meeting remotely

Tuesday, 24 January 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 28 March 2023,7:00pm
Tuesday, 25 April 2023,7:00pm
Tuesday, 23 May 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 27 June 2023,7:00pm
Tuesday, 25 July 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 22 August 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 26 September 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 24 October 2023 7:00pm
Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 7:00pm
Tuesday, 19 December 2023, 7:00pm [moved up one week to avoid Christmas]