OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) will be holding an online meeting on Zoom tomorrow night, August 23, at 7 pm.

(Editor’s note: if you need the Zoom meeting log-in information, please contact OHNA at ohnarva@gmail.com

From meeting announcement:

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hittle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 2,500 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
· A meeting was held for Oregon Hill neighbors by the project representatives on Tuesday 13 June at 6pm.
· Preston Lloyd was invited to this meeting, but not confirmed.
· At the end of the meeting, we will have a 30-minute block for discussion of the Amphitheater project.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a new building.
· The item has been continued once again and is now scheduled for the Monday City Council meeting 11 September 2023. It is on the consent agenda.
· 708 China Street was demolished last week.

3. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for 601 ½ South Pine Street.
· The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel and to construct a new, two-story, two-family detached dwelling which will face China Street.
· The applicant had a first meeting with the zoning committee. A presentation and recommendation will be brought to an upcoming OHNA meeting. The item is not yet scheduled for the Planning Commission.

Continued Business

4. Speeding / traffic issues on Idlewood.
· A letter was sent on 25 April 2023 to Councilmember Lynch (as the resolution passed at the 24 April 2023 OHNA meeting) asking for a variety of speed control measures on Idlewood, including speed tables.
· Ask Councilmember Lynch for an update.

5. A volunteer has agreed to head up a committee looking into locations for a dedicated dog park in Oregon Hill and addressing the various city requirements for such an undertaking.
a. Any other volunteers?

New Business

6. Noise issues from Brown’s Island / neighborhood parties on Saturday night August 19
· The concert on Brown’s Island went much later than usual, until 11pm
· It was a very loud night in the neighborhood
· Is it true that because the Council changed the infraction from a criminal one to a civil one, and the RPD ticket tablets do not contain a category for this, no tickets for noise ordinance violations are being issued?
7. Holly Street Playground cleanup
· We will poll attendees of the meeting for potential dates.
· Open High School has offered volunteer time with students needing volunteer hours (to be undertaken during school hours– the playground might be a good opportunity.

8. Any new items?

Amphitheater Discussion
9. Amphitheater discussion. Ideas that have been suggested by neighbors and raised during our June meeting include:
· Regular meeting with neighborhoods and owner/operator to discuss ongoing issues and developments.
· Dedicated number to contact during events in the event of noise issues.
· Five drop-off lanes for Uber *
· Use East entrance *
· Add a bus / shuttle stop for the amphitheater at the East entrance.
· Formal, signed MOUs with parking decks in area for use during events.*
· Events cut off at 10:00pm as does Brown’s Island (6-9:30pm).
· No fireworks, or low-noise fireworks , or drone displays.
· The amphitheater operations could fund, through on-going donations to an Oregon Hill park fund
· The City should fund parking study during first season of events to verify parking performance (collect license plate number, verify where they come from) data collection.
· Ask amphitheater operations to provide tickets to raffle off for neighbors to attend events.
· Reorient the stage to the west, point stage uphill towards Ethyl building.
· Revisit noise ordinance, increase fine for large commercial venues.
· Add trash cans in neighborhood to head off additional litter after events; there are no public trash cans left in the neighborhood.
· Added bus stop / Pulse stop on Belvidere
· Could we request moving along new LED street lights or maybe they’d be interested in helping move the Belvidere mural idea along
· Restrooms – what is plan for public restrooms not just at facility, but around it.
· What is security plan for concert nights?
· Fines for noise ordinance
o In the present form of the noise ordinance fines start at $100.
o Are fines the only consequence of the noise ordinance?
o Is it true that because the Council changed the infraction from a criminal one to a civil one, and the RPD ticket tablets do not contain a category for this, no tickets for noise ordinance violations are being issued?
· Items marked with an asterisk (*) have already been raised by Councilmember Lynch with the project proponents.

Bryan Clark Green, President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

CobbleStone Vintage Store Plans One Year On Pine Street Anniversary Celebration

From announcement:

Truly can’t believe it’s been a year on Pine Street. To celebrate the milestone I wanted to throw our largest market yet. I made sure to invite vendors that have contributed to the store in some way over the past year or years since we began business in 2016.
The event will take place Saturday August 12 from 11am-7pm in the parking lot directly next to our store.
10+ vintage sellers & makers
Smashed RVA will be serving burgers, Intergalactic Tacos will be serving tacos. and there’s talk of a special menu item collaboration between the two of them.
Fan Ran and Profound79 of Gritty City Records will be set up DJ’ing to set the vibe.

OHNA Meeting Tonight

From email announcement:

Dear Oregon Hill neighbors:

Good evening OHNA members,

We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday at 7pm for our monthly OHNA meeting. This meeting will be held by Zoom only. A link to the meeting is below.

I have attached to this email:
1. the agenda for the 25 July meeting (also pasted in below),
2. the agenda for the 26 June City Council meeting,
3. the 2023 OHNA meeting schedule

The proposed demolition of 708 Chna Street (OHNA voted to oppose the demolition and the Special Use Permit) was originally scheduled for the Monday 12 June City Council meeting. It was continued to Monday 26, and continued yet again to the Monday 24 July city council meeting. It is on the consent agenda.

If you wish to speak to either item, you may 1) speak in person at the Council meeting (you are not required to sign up inn advance), or 2) you may speak via video, which requires that you register before 10:00 a.m., on Monday, July 25, 2023, by calling the Office of the City Clerk at (804) 646-7955 and selecting option 3. If you attend the meeting in person, you do not have to sign up in advance to speak.

I have attached to this email the agenda for the Council meeting, which contains a video link to use if youa respeaking by video, or if you simply would like to watch the meeting.
We look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday evening.


Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 25 July 2023
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – July
Time: Jul 25, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
(Editor’s note: Link and logon info redacted. Contact ohnarva@gmail.com for meeting information)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hiddle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 2,500 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
· A meeting was held for Oregon Hill neighbors by the project representatives on Tuesday 13 June at 6pm.
· Preston Lloyd was invited to this meeting, but not confirmed.
· At the end of the meeting, we will have a 30-minute block for discussion of the Amphitheater project.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a new building.
· The item is scheduled for the Monday City Council meeting 24 July 2023. It is on the consent agenda.

3. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for 601 ½ South Pine Street.
· The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel and to construct a new, two-story, two-family detached dwelling which will face China Street.
· The applicant had a first meeting with the zoning committee. A presentation and recommendation will be brought to an upcoming OHNA meeting. The item is not yet scheduled for the Planning Commission.

Continued Business

4. Speeding / traffic issues on Idlewood.
· A letter was sent on 25 April 2023 to Councilmember Lynch (as the resolution passed at the 24 April 2023 OHNA meeting) asking for a variety of speed control measures on Idlewood, including speed tables.
· Ask Councilmember Lynch for an update.

5. A volunteer has agreed to head up a committee looking into locations for a dedicated dog park in Oregon Hill and addressing the various city requirements for such an undertaking.
a. Any other volunteers?

New Business

6. Holly Street Playground cleanup
· We will poll attendees of the meeting for potential dates.
· Open High School has offered volunteer time with students needing volunteer hours (to be undertaken during school hours– the playground might be a good opportunity.

7. Any new items?

Amphitheater Discussion
8. Amphitheater discussion. Ideas that have been suggested by neighbors and raised during our June meeting include:
· Regular meeting with neighborhoods and owner/operator to discuss ongoing issues and developments.
· Dedicated number to contact during events in the event of noise issues.
· Five drop-off lanes for Uber *
· Use East entrance *
· Add a bus / shuttle stop for the amphitheater at the East entrance.
· Formal, signed MOUs with parking decks in area for use during events.*
· Events cut off at 10:00pm as does Brown’s Island (6-9:30pm).
· No fireworks, or low-noise fireworks , or drone displays.
· The amphitheater operations could fund, through on-going donations to an Oregon Hill park fund
· The City should fund parking study during first season of events to verify parking performance (collect license plate number, verify where they come from) data collection.
· Ask amphitheater operations to provide tickets to raffle off for neighbors to attend events.
· Reorient the stage to the west, point stage uphill towards Ethyl building.
· Revisit noise ordinance, increase fine for large commercial venues.
o In the present form of the noise ordinance fines start at $100.
o Are fines the only consequence of the noise ordinance?
· Items marked with an asterisk (*) have already been raised by Councilmember Lynch with the project proponents.

Bryan Clark Green, President

Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President

Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President

Mike Matthews, Secretary

John Bolecek, Treasurer

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email message:

Dear Oregon Hill neighbors:

I just received the message below from RJ Warren of the Clerk’s Office, regarding the proposed demolition of 708 China Street (ORD. 2023-090). It appears that there will be a motion tonight to continue it to the 24 July meeting. As mentioned below, if continued, there will be no opportunity to speak to the issue.

“Consideration of ORD. 2023-090 is scheduled to be continued to July 24, 2023 City Council Meeting. This continuance will be addressed by Council tonight during review of amendments to tonight’s agenda. If continued, there will be no opportunity for public hearing this evening, as the public hearing will take place July 24, 2023. You are still welcomed to join tonight’s meeting virtually in the event that Council decides not to continue ORD. 2023-090 and instead consider it this evening.

I will go ahead and sign you up to speak virtually regarding ORD. 2023-090, at the July 24, 2023 Council meeting.”

Just wanted to update everyone. In any event, our Tuesday evening OHNA meeting will be held as advertised — no continances on our end.



Earlier announcement:

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 27 June 2023
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – June
Time: Jun 27, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
(Editor: link and other details redacted. Please contact OHNA at ohnarva@gmail.com if you need them)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hiddle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 2,500 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
· A meeting was held for Oregon Hill neighbors by the project representatives on Tuesday 13 June at 6pm.
· Preston Lloyd was invited to this meeting, but not confirmed.
· At the end of the meeting, we will have a 30-minute block for discussion of the Amphitheater project.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The item is scheduled for the Monday City Council meeting 26 June 2023. It is on the consent agenda.
3. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for 601 ½ South Pine Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel and to construct a new, two-story, two-family detached dwelling which will face China Street.
· The applicant had a first meeting with the zoning committee. A presentation and recommendation will be brought to an upcoming OHNA meeting. The item is not yet scheduled for the Planning Commission.

Continued Business

4. Speeding / traffic issues on Idlewood.
· A letter was sent on 25 April 2023 to Councilmember Lynch (as the resolution passed at the 24 April 2023 OHNA meeting) asking for a variety of speed control measures on Idlewood, including speed tables.
· Ask Councilmember Lynch for an update.

5. A volunteer has agreed to head up a committee looking into locations for a dedicated dog park in Oregon Hill and addressing the various city requirements for such an undertaking.
a. Any other volunteers?

6. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been several recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

7. Holly Street Playground cleanup
· We will poll attendees of the meeting for potential dates.
· Open High School has offered volunteer time with students needing volunteer hours (to be undertaken during school hours– the playground might be a good opportunity.

8. Susan Barrett wants to organize a neighborhood picnic in the Holly Street Playground.
· Let’s discuss potential dates.

9. Any new items?

Amphitheater Discussion
10. Amphitheater discussion. Ideas that have been suggested by neighbors include:
· Regular meeting with neighborhoods and owner/operator to discuss ongoing issues and developments.
· Dedicated number to contact during events in the event of noise issues.
· Five drop-off lanes for Uber *
· Use East entrance *
· Add a bus / shuttle stop for the amphitheater at the East entrance.
· Formal, signed MOUs with parking decks in area for use during events*
· Events cut off at 10:00pm as does Brown’s Island (6-9:30pm)
· No fireworks, or low-noise fireworks
· The amphitheater operations could fund, through on-going donations to an Oregon Hill park fund
· The City should fund parking study during first season of events to verify parking performance (collect license plate number, verify where they come from) data collection.
· Ask amphitheater operations to provide tickets to raffle off for neighbors to attend events

Bryan Clark Green, President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association (OHNA) meets tomorrow night.

From meeting announcement:

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 23 May 2023
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.
(Editor’s note: Meeting login information redacted. Please email OHNARva@gmail.com in order to request this information)

• Treasurer’s Report

Community Updates:

1. Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Luke Schrader, Police Liaison, VCU
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney (Nathan Hiddle)


1. Amphitheater planned for Tredegar Green.
· It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 2,500 standing, as per our meeting with the developer’s representative. No additional parking is planned.
· When the previous amphitheater plan was proposed, the neighborhood raised questions about hours of operation, noise levels, and parking, none of which were ever answered.
· Preston Lloyd, representing the owner, hosted a meeting (one of several to occur) on 18 May to discuss the project; a recording of the meeting is hosted on YouTube: Link is here
· A meeting is scheduled for Oregon Hill neighbors to join to meet with project representatives on Tuesday 13 June at 6pm. A Zoom invitation will be circulated before that meeting.
· Preston will give a 5–10-minute introduction to the project, but the intent is for a full presentation and discussion to occur at the 13 June meeting. The 13 June will not be the last meeting; there will be a continued discussion of items of concern, and additional meetings will be scheduled as needed.

2. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for the demolition of 708 China Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The Zoning Committee met with the applicant and asked them to reconsider demolition and incorporate the historic building into their new construction.
· The applicant has declined to make revisions and wishes to proceed with demolition and replacement.
· The item was placed on the 3 April agenda. At that meeting, it was continued until the next meeting, 17 April. At that meeting, it was continued for a month, until the 15 May meeting. At that meeting, it was continued again, until the 5 June meeting.
3. An SUP application has been filed with the City of Richmond for 601 ½ South Pine Street, and its replacement with a building.
· The applicant is proposing to divide the parcel and to construct a new, two-story, two-family detached dwelling which will face China Street.
· The applicant had a first meeting with the zoning committee. A presentation and recommendation will be brought to an upcoming OHNA meeting. The item is not yet scheduled for the Planning Commission.

Continued Business

4. A volunteer has agreed to head up a committee looking into locations for a dedicated dog park in Oregon Hill and addressing the various city requirements for such an undertaking.
a. Any other volunteers?

5. Traffic issues along Idlewood at Cherry and Pine Streets
· There have been several recent accidents at these two locations.
· These two intersections suffer from poor visibility and the high speed of cars exiting 195 east onto Idlewood.

New Business

6. Holly Street Playground cleanup
· We will poll attendees of the meeting for potential dates.
· Open High School has offered volunteer time with students needing volunteer hours (to be undertaken during school h– the playground might be a good opportunity.

7. Any new items?

Bryan Clark Green, President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

GRTC Holding More North-South Corridor Study Meetings

GRTC (Greater Richmond Transportation Company) is a local government-owned public service company (essentially a ‘public-private partnership’) which operates an urban-suburban bus line based in Richmond, Virginia.

From announcement:

GRTC is planning the future of high-capacity transit in the Richmond Region. Building on the success of Pulse’s Broad Street route, GRTC is studying potential corridors for a second route running from north to south and connecting to the Broad Street route in Downtown Richmond. GRTC is coordinating with the City of Richmond, Henrico County, and Chesterfield County to determine a route that optimizes regional ridership, accessibility, and equity. This project focuses on getting to an alignment that makes sense as a next step in growing Richmond’s BRT network.

The study area includes U.S. 1 between Virginia Center Commons and Chester, U.S. 60 from Downtown Richmond to Westchester Commons, and U.S. 360 from Downtown Richmond to Commonwealth Center Parkway. GRTC will evaluate how this north-south route will cross the James River, using either the Route 1 Bridge, the Manchester Bridge, or the Mayo Bridge. The ultimate recommendation at the end of this step of the planning process will be a potential north-south BRT alignment along some combination of the corridors being studied. The decision on where to start first will help us as we move forward with funding and design of the potential route.

This step of the planning process is just the first in a series of steps that must be approved before actual construction of the project can begin. Once an alternative is selected, GRTC will begin the environmental review process, and develop cost and ridership estimates. GRTC will conduct public outreach at each step in the process.

Story Map
To learn more about the study and help us plan this new north-south line, click through the following Story Map bit.ly/Pulse-North-South-Survey

Open Houses
Join us at an in-person open house to learn more about the study and provide feedback on proposed options. Both meetings will present the same material.

Open houses are from 5:30 – 7:30 pm with brief presentation at 6 pm.

Monday, May 8, 2023
John Marshall High School
4225 Old Brook Road
Richmond, VA 23227
Bus Stop: Chamberlayne & Westminster (Route 1, 3-minute walk)

Tuesday, May 9, 2023
River City Middle School
6300 Hull Street Road
Richmond, VA 23224
Bus Stop: Hull & Elkhardt School (Route 1C, 3-minute walk)

GRTC strives to provide reasonable accomodations and services for persons who require special assistance to participate in this public involvement opportunity. Contact GRTC’s ADA Coordinator at (804) 358-3871 x434 or adacoordinator@ridegrtc.com for more information. Para informacion en espanol llame al (804) 358-3871 x434.