Richmond300 ‘Code Refresh’ Meetings This Week

Again, from the start of Richmond300, the neighborhood has been concerned because code usually reflects land us decisions.

Before approving the Richmond 300 master plan, the Richmond City Council was assured by the Stoney administration that their voice in amending the master plan would be respected.

The question remains…Is this setting up the neighborhood for success (to use previous OHNA Preisdent Todd Woodson’s wording) or failure?

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting Tomorrow Night

From email announcement:

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 23 July 2024
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.
Join Zoom Meeting (Editor’s note: Zoom meeting information has been redacted. If you wish to join the meeting and receive the Zoom link, please contact


Community Updates:
Lt. William Brereton, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
Officer Caine Green, Police Liaison, VCU
Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
Introductions: Richmond Mayoral Candidate Harrison Roday
All announced mayoral candidates were invited to attend a meeting of OHNA to introduce their platforms. Each will have three minutes to speak, followed by questions from OHNA members. We have previously heard from Andreas Addison, Danny Avula, Michelle Mosby, and Maurice Neblett.


Discussion with Amphitheater developer’s representative re the amphitheater at Tredegar Green.
It is slated to seat 5,000 people and accommodate and additional 2,500 standing. No additional parking is planned for the Amphitheatre.

Continued Business

New Business

OHNA Meeting On Tuesday

From email announcement:

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 25 June 2024
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.

Topic: OHNA Monthly Meeting – January 2024
Time: June 25, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
(Editor’s note: Zoom meeting information redacted. Contact


Community Updates:
Lt. Brian Robinson, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
Officer Caine Green, Police Liaison, VCU
Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson / Amy Robins

Introductions: Richmond Mayoral Candidates
All announced mayoral candidates have been invited to attend a meeting of OHNA to introduce their platforms. Each will have three minutes to speak, followed by questions from OHNA members.

Updates and Continued Business
Grants from 5th District Council Fund to FOOHP and OHNA
Venture Richmond email to note Brown’s Island noise complaints:
The Friends of Oregon Hill Parks (FOOHP) update
Pleasants Park:
Ongoing need: watering
Upcoming weeding workday June 30 9am
Bulletin Board
Holly Street:
New Business
Any other new items?

Valerie L’Herrou, president
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association

OHNA Meeting This Coming Tuesday

From email announcement from

The next OHNA meeting will be Tuesday, May 28 at 7pm. A link will be emailed along with the final agenda on the weekend, but the draft agenda includes:

Updates: from community partners, city & VCU police and community liaisons, & city council representation

Candidate introductions: Richmond Mayoral Candidates
All announced mayoral candidates have been invited to attend a meeting of OHNA to introduce their platforms. Each will have three minutes to speak, followed by questions from OHNA members.

OHNA Participatory Budget Delegate Committee members. Next Participatory Budget Richmond participatory budget committee presentation: May 29th 6-9pm, Southside Community Service Center. Participate in a mock participatory budget process.

Updates and Continued Business
The Friends of Oregon Hill Parks
Pleasants Park update & request for watering volunteers
Report: Oregon Hill Open Garden Day: May 18
Other Friends of OH Parks news
New Business
Action: Join Richmond Citizens Coalition?
Action: Ask city council to change the day/time so meetings of city council and school board are not at the same time?

On May 19th: Homecoming on the Hill: A Historic Look at Oregon Hill from 1800 – 1960s

The Valentine museum is making a presentation at the Pine St.Church on May 19th regarding the history of the Oregon Hill neighborhood.

Homecoming on the Hill:
A Historic Look at Oregon Hill from 1800 – 1960s

Oregon Hill residents, past and present, are invited to join us for food, fellowship and fond memories. This event is geared to residents 60 -100+ years of age, but all are welcome.

Event Timing: May 19, 2024 | Worship 11am | Lunch and Program 12:30-3:00pm

Event Address: Pine St. Baptist Church | 400 S. Pine St. Richmond, VA 23220

Contact us at 804-644-0339.
Presentation from The Valentine Starts at 1 pm in the fellowship Hill – use Albemarle St entrance