This Thursday evening there are two events that local activists may find enticing. First is a protest against the influence of money on our government from corporate interests, and in particular Dominion Energy.
From the event description:
Governor Northam is holding a fundraiser with Dominion Executive Bob Blue and Dominion’s Law Firm McGuire Woods (among other corporate interests) for his “The Way Ahead” PAC – this is corruption on display, and this corruption is the reason projects like both the Atlantic Coast and Mountain Valley pipelines, Tom Farrell’s Navy Hill proposal, and others that harm Virginia communities for private profit are allowed in our state.
PLEASE JOIN US for a demonstration outside of the reception to send a message to Governor Northam and any future candidates in Virginia: Corporate corruption in our government will not stand – The Way Ahead for Virginia will be free of corrupt money, like from Dominion, and free of corporate shills like Northam!
We will demonstrate outside of the McGuire Woods building (800 E Canal St – where the fundraiser reception is being held), from 5:30-7:30 (the time of the fundraiser). Bring your signs and banners to make the message visible (we will have some signs to share).
Come for all or part of the event and send a clear message to Northam and any future politicians – this type of corruption will no longer stand. Dominion’s days in our government are over!
#NoACP #NoMVP #NoPipelines #DumpDominion
One future possibility to consider is a constitutional amendment for both the Virginia and federal constitutions against corporate money, a la www.MoveToAmend.org It’s noteworthy that Mayor Stoney has evidently gone in an opposite direction- stating just this past month that he would continue to accept donations from Dominion Energy.
A second progressive event that should also generate a lot of political discussion is a Ranked Choice Voting Info Session at the Richmond Main Library, hosted by FairVote Virginia. That begins at 6 pm.

From event description:
Our Richmond local action group is officially up and running! Join us at the Richmond Public Library to meet local FairVote supporters, debrief on our latest legislative efforts, and learn how you can help bring ranked choice voting to Virginia in 2019.
FairVote Virginia is VA’s chapter of the national FairVote movement to advance ranked choice voting. Visit our website at fairvoteva.org to learn more.
This community news site has brought up ranked choice voting before, including in relation to the City’s Mayoral election.