OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From announcement:

Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association agenda for next week (3-26-19/Tuesday/7pm/St. Andrew’s Church)
“-7PM Meeting brought to order
-Updates from VCU Liaison, RPD, VCU police
-Update on our Open High Bee initiative.
-Guy Blundon of Victory Rug Apartments will discuss SUP proposal to change some things as the apartments are eligible to become privately owned dwellings.
-Discussion of crime reduction measures such as neighborhood watch, etc.”
Hope to see you all there!

Alex Jonestown Massacre‎/W I S H/AJM/Soul Meets Body/Strawberry Moon at Mojo’s Friday

From FaceBook event page:

Awesome show at Mojo’s on Friday, March 15th!

Strawberry Moon
Lo-fi Bedroom Pop

Soul Meets Body
Pop Punk Bangers for the Underdogs

Alex Jonestown Massacre
Agitprop Punk

Noisy Shoegaze Alt-Rock

Doors @ 8
Show @ 9
$5 suggested donation!

The Tough Sh**s / Sick Bags / Toward Space at Mojo’s Tonight

From the FaceBook event page:

Rockin’ their way down from Philadelphia to SXSW in support of their new album “Burning in Paradise” (on BURGER RECORDS), The Tough Shits are blessing us with a stop in Richmond!

Joining us for local support will be Richmond’s favorite leather-clad shredders, SICK BAGS, and the always-ripping Toward Space.

Benefit Dinner/Memorial Unveiling For Dirtwoman

From the campaign page (where you can make your donation):

Donnie “Dirtwoman” Corker had a heart as big as Richmond (making the rest of her approximately the size of Delaware).
She was a beloved icon and pioneer for the LGBTQ community, a literal landmark to Richmond’s counterculture for more than 40 years, a beloved brother, and a dear friend to Richmond’s famous, infamous and not-at-all-famous alike.
Dirtwoman embodied everything about Richmond that is weird, wonderful and willing to be different while making a difference.
In honor of the everlasting impact crater Dirtwoman left on our fair city, and honoring a pledge made to her by her friends before her death in 2017, we invite YOU to a special benefit dinner and memorial plaque unveiling at Mamma Zu’s
What: Benefit Dinner/Memorial Unveiling
Where: Mamma Zu’s
When: April 7
Why: Massey Cancer Center
Huh?: Massey saved Donnie’s life
Cost: $50 donation to Massey Cancer
What Else: This event coincides with the Virginia Premier of “Spider Mites of Jesus: The Dirtwoman Documentary at the Virginia Film Festival.

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE: After you donate, print out your donation confirmation email. This IS YOUR TICKET to attend this special Dirtwoman memorial dinner at Mamma Zu’s

Street Cleaning Continues Monday

Thanks to a neighbor’s persistence, the City is planning to clean the west side of S. Pine Street this coming Monday after missing in their regular schedule.

Neighbors should make sure to remove their cars from the west side of S. Pine Street (even street numbers) before MONDAY at 8:00am so the street can be cleaned!

Councilperson Agelasto Holds Fifth District Meeting On Thursday

From meeting announcement:

The Honorable Parker C. Agelasto, Councilman, Richmond City Council, Richmond Central 5th Voter District, has scheduled the following meeting for the Richmond Central 5th Voter District.

Thursday, February 28, 2019; 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities
William Byrd Park – Round House
600 Swan Lake Drive/621 Westover Road; Richmond, Virginia
(Located within William Byrd Park near the intersection of Lakeview Avenue and Westover Road, south of Fountain Lake)

Agenda for Thursday night:
Richmond Real Estate Tax Exemptions for Seniors and People with Disabilities Asia Spratley, Revenue Manager
Richmond Department of Finance
RVA311 Department Overview Peter Breil, Director
Richmond Department of Citizen Service and Response
Richmond Government Budget: Open Discussion
District Updates and Announcements
Questions & Answers

OHNA Meeting Tomorrow Night

From announcement:

Hey everyone! Please don’t forget that our next Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association meeting will be Tuesday, February 26th at 7pm inside St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. Below is the agenda sent by OHNA President Todd Woodson. Hope to see you all there!!!

“First, for those of you that have cats or small dogs that go outside, there is a grave danger to them existing within and adjacent to the neighborhood. 16 months ago, I was “adopted” by two mated feral cats. The male I could eventually pet while the female always ran at the sight of humans. They were not coming inside so I built an insulated house on my porch with an outdoor heating pad and fed and watered them. They went under the house during bitter cold. The female went missing 1 1/2 weeks ago, then yesterday at 5am, my indoor cat woke me up screaming but not wanting to go out. I checked the porch and my other outdoor cat was gone. A night watchman at Hollywood Cemetery confirmed last night that there are at least 7 coyotes in the cemetery that they have seen and are aware of. Right now is mating/gestation season so there will be even more coyotes coming. There was a confirmed sighting some months ago a couple alleys east of me of a coyote with a cat in its mouth. Coyotes will establish a “prey profile” of the easiest, most available food source available which they will seek with keen senses of sight, sound and smell. After research on the internet, I determined loss of cats to coyotes as well as attacks on small dogs is at an epidemic rate in the city and being near the river and an open space like Hollywood compounds the problem. Coyotes are classified as nuisance animals by the Va Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and can be killed at any time (with the exception being with a weapon on Sundays). They are not native to Virginia but populations have exploded since they have moved here. PLEASE take all measures available to safeguard your pets! I am shocked and saddened by my horrible loss and don’t want to see it spread.
Our meeting will start at 7pm with the usual updates from Police and VCU. I will then introduce Dr. Ghazala Hamshi who will speak regarding her candidacy for Virginia Senate in our district, a position currently held by Senator Glen Sturtevant. Dr. Hamshi is a lifelong democrat and she has worked as a college professor and administrator as her career calling.
I would then like to discuss the 2000 Riverfront apartment building’s Special Use Permit Application for an illuminated “2000” sign on their building. This is the apartments next to the river directly across the Lee Bridge from us. Concerns have been noted in the past on light pollution, especially near the river, and the need for such illuminated signage.
We will also have updates from Councilperson Agelasto’s office.
Take care and I look forward to seeing you Tuesday.”

Opera In The New Museum On Thursday

From American Civil War Museum’s website:

The American Civil War Museum’s Board of Directors, Christy Coleman, CEO and Waite Rawls, President of the ACWM Foundation, and the ACWM’s Opening Ceremonies Committee invite you to the first opening event in the new museum –

Scenes from Matthew Aucoin’s opera, Crossing

Baritone, Rod Gilfry as Walt Whitman
Bass-Bariton, Kenneth Kellogg, as Freddie Sowers
Tenor, Mackenzie Gotcher, as John Wormley

Accompanied by composer and conductor, Matthew Aucoin

The 1:30 matinee performance will be followed by a discussion and q+a session. Tickets are $75 and seating is limited.

The 7:30 evening performance will be followed by a discussion, q+a session and a reception. Tickets are $150 and seating is limited.

Program Date:
Thursday, February 28, 2019 – 1:30pm

Editor’s note: To purchase tickets, please go through the museum’s website.

Stories Of Service Event At The Virginia War Memorial

From the Virginia War Memorial event page:

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 – 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Free Event
Patriotic Events
Did you know the United States Colored Troops (USCTs) played a decisive role in the Union’s victory in the Civil War? These soldiers became known for their bravery and honor in the face of adversity from all sides.

This February, as part of our celebration of Black History Month, the Virginia War Memorial has invited the Civil War Museum to co-host a special event that delves into some of the lesser known personal histories of the USCTs. Please join us on Tuesday, Feburary 26 at 6:30 p.m. and discover the history and accomplishments of Virginian USCTs. Guest speakers dig into the stories of the African-American soldiers who fought for the Union, and for their own freedom.

Oregon Hill Blitz Cleanup

From RVA Clean Sweep:

Arbor Earth is partnering with RVA Clean Sweep and Keep Virginia Beautiful (KVB)! They will be hosting an Oregon Hill Cleanup on the same day as Shiver in the River.

More information about Arbor Earth: https://www.arborearth.org/

Please join them on the corner of Idlewood & Laurel (at 10 am) for however long you can. All supplies will be provided.