‘Terminate The Lease’ Rally On Friday

From email announcement:

Dear Friends

This Friday, May 17th at 4PM there will be a peaceful rally asking to TERMINATE THE LEASE on Monroe Park held by the Monroe Park Conservancy. This will occur at Monroe Park across from the big tent. We will gather on Main st.

All members of the community are invited. The Monroe Park Conservancy holds a 30 year lease (since 2014) on the City’s oldest and most historic municipal park, purchased in 1851 by the City. The Park was reopened last Autumn after a 22 month renovation overseen by the City and the Monroe Park Conservancy. During that “renovation”, a substantial portion of the historic tree canopy was destroyed, ALL public restrooms were removed, the WWII Memorial was desecrated by a large electrical box and poorly planned and executed pathways were installed that wash gravel dust into the sewer system whenever it rains. Its time for the City to terminate this lease and start fresh on a new plan to fix all the things that went wrong under the Monroe Park Conservancy. Additionally, a recent City audit found that $345,000.00 used in the botched “renovation” was billed to the City’s School Building Fund. We ask that City officials work in partnership with the stake holding community to achieve positive changes in the Park.

Thank you,
Todd Woodson, director
Fans of Monroe Park

(Editor’s note: The Sierra Club Falls Of The James has previously called for ending the lease.)

Environmental Justice March On Friday

The Virginia chapter of the Sierra Club and other environmental groups are sponsoring a protest and march this Friday.

From their event page:

Virginians from all across the state will unite in common cause to oppose unjust and unneeded fracked-gas pipelines anywhere in the Commonwealth, and to stand in solidarity for environmental justice and the climate.
On Friday, May 17, we will gather in Richmond at Canoe Run Park with members of the Union Hill Community, William Barber, III and Karenna Gore, march across the Lee Bridge and end at the Oregon Hill Overlook, for a rally.

11am: Meet at Canoe Run Park (600 W 22nd St, RVA 23225)
Noon: March across the Lee Bridge
1pm: Gather at Oregon Hill Overlook (end of S. Pine Street)

8th annual 5K for the Virginia War Memorial This Saturday

From event page:

07:30 AM – 09:00 AM EDT
621 S. Belvidere Street, Richmond, VA 23220

Join us as we honor and remember the sacrifices of those who have served in the United States Military. This annual event, the 8th annual 5K for the Virginia War Memorial, features a scenic route winding through historic Oregon Hill and Hollywood Cemetery, with the dramatic backdrop of the Virginia War Memorial Shrine, the James River and the River City skyline. All proceeds support the Virginia War Memorial Foundation and fund the Memorial’s educational outreach, documentary films, museum exhibits, and patriotic and community programs throughout the year.

Register for the race at https://runsignup.com/tga5k. Make sure you join the team ‘Team RWB’ so we can show the power of community and camaraderie in engaging veterans and enriching their lives!

Some additional information from organizers:

Expecting 500 participants, we will have Course Marshals and volunteers along the route, and Capitol Police and Richmond City Police will also be present. Please expect some minor delays along the course route during the race. There will not be any road closures in Oregon Hill, however, the following streets will be closed:
· The 2nd street ramp off of Belvidere and 2nd Street from Belvidere to Byrd Street.
· The Eastern most lane of northbound Belvidere (the lane closest to the Virginia War Memorial) from Spring Street to the Lee Bridge off ramp.
· Spring Street from Belvidere down to 2nd Street.

We are actively looking for volunteers (“Spirit Boosters”) for various roles before, during, and after the race. Volunteers are cheerfully accepted and encouraged. You can easily sign up to volunteer online, or call us directly at 804.786.2060.
Memorial Day is the day we remember all who have died in service to our country. By commemorating this weekend of reflection with our annual 5K race, we encourage all participants to remember the service and sacrifice of these brave men and women. This is a wonderful opportunity for the public to honor and remember our veterans and to thank them for all of the freedoms that we share. We are looking forward to having the residents of Oregon Hill help cheer for our race participants!
We also hope that you will attend the Commonwealth’s Memorial Day Ceremony at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 27th and the free Thomas Jefferson Cadet Corps Alumni Band & Friends Memorial Concert in our Shrine at 2 p.m. that afternoon.
Thank you for your assistance with the 5K. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Notable Women of Hollywood Cemetery Sunday

Lots of stuff happening this weekend, but don’t forget Sunday (Mother’s Day!).

From the Valentine Museum website:

Join us to explore stories of the incredible women interred at Hollywood Cemetery, and celebrate their work as suffragettes, authors, educators humanitarians and more. Learn about the lives these courageous women led, their role in the cemetery’s history, and how they shaped the city of Richmond.

Please note that this tour is 1.5 to 2 miles and involves several inclines. Comfortable shoes and water are recommended.

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Trash/Recycling Pickup Tomorrow

This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which means trash and recycling pickup. Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.

If you have not done so already, don’t forget to sign up for your Recycling Perks.
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.

In other news, save the date! Two events on May 18:

One event is the City of Richmond Special Recycling Collection Event
May 18 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

The City of Richmond Department of Public Works , Richmond Clean City Commission and City of Richmond Stormwater Utility will be hosting a special recycling collection event on Saturday, May 18 at Elkhardt-Thompson Middle School from 10 am – 2 pm. For City of Richmond residents, only.

The event will include:
Document shredding: up to 5 boxes or 5 paper bags of personal documents ( such as taxes, bank statement, cancelled checks, credit card statements and receipts, financial accounts, medical and insurance records. NO COMMERCIAL BUSINESS documents accepted.
Electronics ( cash or check- no credit cards for *fees) *Click here for flier with fees
Hazardous Household Wastes: pesticides, herbicides and oil based paints in original containers
For more information on shredding and electronics call Darlene Mallory (804)646-8325 or for household hazardous waste call Jenn Clarke (804)646-8131.

The second event is the Sierra Club Falls of the James/University of Richmond BIG YARD SALE, Saturday, May 18, 2019 at 8 AM – 12 PM, at the Robins Stadium (23B Boatwright Drive, Richmond, VA 23173).
Thousands of student discards have been collected and sorted and are now available at discount prices. Shop til you drop and keep all this good stuff out of the landfill and save money too – A win-win for you and our environment! This award winning annual sale benefits benefits the Sierra Club and the UR Green student group. Goodwill is a supporting partner.

One of things this sale does is try to keep “fast fashions” out of the landfill. What is not sold is sent to Goodwill for further recycling. Lower your carbon foot print and wear your clothes longer.

West Cary Street Closed Saturday

From the City:

Street Closure – West Cary Street
WHO: City of Richmond Department of Public Works
WHAT: Street Closure
WHEN: Saturday, May 4 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
WHERE: West Cary Street between South Harrison and South Linden streets (located in the 5th Council District)
BACKGROUND: The area will be closed to use a crane to perform HVAC work at 1000 West Cary Street. Motorists are urged to use caution and follow the detour signs.

Friday Cheers, Civil War Museum Opening, and Hollywood Cemetery Picnic This Weekend

As with Party For The Planet this past weekend, the Richmond riverfront around Oregon Hill should be pretty busy this coming weekend.

This Friday, public/private partnership, Venture Richmond starts back up their Friday Cheers concert series on Brown’s Island. They are claiming its their 35th season (though it seems like that would have to include time when there were not events on this part of the riverfront). This Friday, Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real with Landon Elliott will be playing. Their photos are above. Tickets cost $10.

On Saturday, the American Civil War Museum at Tredegar will be holding a celebration in honor of its new building. The Times Dispatch recently had a sneak peak of this $25 million, 29,000-square-foot new museum, which is the result of the merger of two museums: the Museum of the Confederacy and the American Civil War Center at Historic Tredegar. The grand opening will include special guided tours of “A People’s Contest: Struggles for Nation and Freedom in Civil War America” exhibit, walking tours, and artifact encounters with curators. Event also features the hosts of BackStory, eight emerging scholars, and Triple Crossing Brewery, and food trucks.

Schedule highlights:
– 9 a.m.: Ribbon cutting
– 10 a.m., 2 p.m., & 4 p.m.: Cannon firing demonstration by Museum staff
– 10:30 a.m.: Live panel program with the hosts of the podcast, BackStory. (90 minutes)
– 12-4 p.m.: Emerging Scholars lightning talks, sponsored by The Civil War Monitor, also in collaboration with Emerging Civil War. (30 minutes each, beginning every 30 minutes at noon)
– 12-4 p.m.: Beer garden, by Triple Crossing Beer. Food trucks also onsite (TBA).

Cost: Free with Museum admission. Free for members.

And then on Sunday, the Annual Sunday Picnic at Hollywood Cemetery will take place from 1:00pm to 3:30pm. Pack a picnic basket, bring a blanket or chair, and join in for an annual tradition that dates back to the 1800s! Live music will be provided by the Oak Lane Band and UNCOMMON, a contemporary acapella band. An ice cream truck and hotdogs will be on site. Trolley tours will also be provided. The picnic is free to attend, but they do ask for RSVP in advance. Please email nrowe@hollywoodcemetery.org or call (804) 648-8501 to make reservations.

Hopefully, rains will hold off for these events, but the forecast is looking iffy.

Meditation Class This Saturday At Main Library

Heartfullness Richmond, a local non-profit, is sponsoring a FREE meditation class this Saturday at 11 am at the Main branch of the Richmond Public Library.

From the FaceBook event page:

Have you wondered how to get started on a meditation practice? That too on something that ennobles you and brings the best of you out and let go of that is not aiding you on your journey. Join us for Heartfulness Meditation class as we navigate the calm and turbulent states of our Heart Mind field/existence/consciousness.

We will start off with guided relaxation that helps relax the body and ease the mind into a Heart (seat of purity & love) Centric Meditation the experience of which is something .. you just have to experience!

Questions e-shout to Richmond.VA@Heartfulness.Org

If you plan to attend, you are asked to get tickets through Eventbrite.