The 11th Annual RVA Environmental Film Festival kicks off TONIGHT with the world premiere of the feature-length documentary Frozen Obsession, chronicling the expedition of the Swedish icebreaker Oden through 2,000 miles of the Arctic to study the impact of climate change. For even more insight into the findings of this amazing voyage, a panel discussion follows the screening with director and producer David Clark, Donglai Gong of Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and the VCU students who were part of this historic research trip.
Be sure to check out the full schedule for the festival, February 12th – 26th, at Read descriptions and see the trailers of over 20 carefully selected films covering a wide array of environmental issues – 5th graders taking on plastic pollution; the benefits of regenerative agriculture; the impact of sea level rise on our national security; the quest of Native Americans for food sovereignty, and so much more!
The entire festival is free to viewers thanks to the generous support of our sponsors. However, registration is required for all films, which is done through festival web page,
Category Archives: calendar
This Week At Richmond Public Library
Despite the pandemic, the Richmond Public Library system still offers activities for the community:
OHNA Meeting Announcement
From announcement:
Hello, neighbors! The next OHNA meeting will be taking place digitally. Please email with the subject “I’m Attending!” in order to receive a zoom invite. If you have any questions regarding how to zoom, we will be able to assist you. Just let us know in the body of the email if you’ll need assistance. We are looking forwarding to seeing you all, albeit digitally! Happy New Year!
Rings Of Saturn
OHNA Meeting
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association president Todd Woodson sent this email today:
Dear Neighbors
The November meeting will take place this coming Tuesday,Nov 24 at 7pm in Pleasants Park. We will be holding elections for the upcoming year and considering two proposed changes to the bylaws (see below). Tuesday’s forecast is clear and 52. Not ideal but doable. Please dress accordingly! We will try to keep things on track so the meeting will be as short as possible.
It has been brought to my attention that some statements I never made were included in a post on the community facebook page by a person in the neighborhood. This is regarding the meeting format for the association upcoming meetings. This Tuesdays meeting will be in weather that is not overly harsh so meeting outside is the plan. OHNA traditionally does not meet in December. I made NO statements regarding format after the first of the year because I might not even be re elected so it wouldnt be my decision to make. I respectfully request that you do due diligence if this person or someone else releases official statements i “have made”. Sending out emails to you with the agenda was first started 3 years ago when I was elected president. I do it to be courteous, transparent and to encourage neighbor participation in the meetings.
Here is my REAL take on format options that are POSSIBLE during the new year:
1. Virtual through Zoom. Not ideal but available through City channels at no cost. Volunteer Jenny Friar will be setting that up should that be the desired format in the coming year.
2. Meeting in person during colder months at a Parks Dept venue such as Randolph Community Center or Byrd Park Roundhouse. It is my understanding that Business Meetings are exempt from the 25 person limit. Strict distancing with masks should always be observed.
3. January and February are not usually busy months for neighborhood business so a cancellation could be a possibility should there be nothing to discussed.We do what we have to to get through this pandemic and I wish you all good health and blessings for the new year.
Hopefully, after December 14, we will have the Richmond 300 issue behind us.
Proposed bylaw change to membership requirements: two amendments addressing membership were introduced.
As per bylaws, as a bylaw change, can be voted on at the next scheduled OHNA meeting, 24 November 2020.
Article III- Membership
Section 1: Eligibility. All residents of Oregon Hill at least 18 years of age, and only such residents, shall be eligible to become members of OHNA.
Section 2: Members. Those eligible for membership shall become members of OHNA by attending at least two OHNA meetings within one year and then registering their membership with the Association’s Secretary.
Proposed bylaw change I
ARTICLE III- Membership
SECTION 1: Membership in the association shall be granted to any person 18 years of age or older, residing in the designated Oregon Hill boundaries. Additionally, membership is extended to one vote for each business, school or church within the designated Oregon Hill boundary.
SECTION 2: Membership shall be granted to a resident or a business, school or place of worship in Oregon Hill. Each business, school or place of worship shall designate a sole representative to vote in all matters presented to the association voting membership. Members can register with the association secretary.
Proposed bylaw change II
ARTICLE III- Membership
Section 1: ELIGIBILITY. All residents of Oregon Hill at least 18 years of age, residing within designated Oregon Hill boundaries shall be eligible to become members of OHNA.
Section 2: MEMBERS. Membership in the association shall be granted to any person 18 years of age or older, residing in the designated Oregon Hill boundaries who has attended at least one ONNA meeting out of the previous twelve meetings held. This change is for the year 2020 only, in recognition of the impact of the pandemic.
During 2021, the Bylaws should undergo a systematic revision and update, and membership requirements should be evaluated comprehensively at that time.
Update: Halloween Parade Cancelled Due To Concerns Over COVID-19 Surges
With national and international concerns rising over surges in COVID-19 cases, the annual All The Saints Halloween Parade has officially been cancelled by organizers.
While disappointed, most if not all the Oregon Hill neighbors seem to appreciate and understand the decision.
Halloween Parade Still Planned; UPDATE: CANCELLED
UPDATE: With national and international concerns rising over surges in COVID-19 cases, the annual All The Saints Halloween Parade has officially been cancelled by organizers.
While disappointed, most if not all the Oregon Hill neighbors seem to appreciate and understand the decision.
Message from the All The Saints Theater Company:
The 15th Annual Halloween Parade: “A Funeral March for the Plague of Now!” will take place on Saturday October 31st, All Hallow’s Eve.
This year is a very different year. We take COVID-19 very seriously and urge everyone to take all safety precautions should you decide to join us.
Please read the following to understand how this year will be different!
Please come with your COVID Pod who you are prepared to carry a puppet with or march alongside! MASKS ARE REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE! We will have masks to spare if you forget yours! If you would like to decorate your car and be at the back of the parade that is allowed as I am picking a route that allows for vehicles.
We are meeting (per usual) at Monroe Park 7pm sharp on 10/31! Due to the nature of this year, in order to keep the people usually on the sidelines out of the equation we are NOT announcing the route until we march, and it will be slightly shorter than our usual route. It is a year to participate, not to be a bystander (in all ways, not just for the parade).
15 ft Plague Doctors, Vultures schlepping the refugees of the Humanity System, the celebratory skeleton puppets, Grandma Elder, the Hawk of Resistance that defeated the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Black Lives Matter and the Confederacy is Dead Puppets, and King NoOne and his Fascist Empire will be there and they must be defeated this November with the Vote!
Music by members of NoBS as Tyrannis Bass, and many other amazing local musicians!
All the protection from COVID-19, the police state, and the fascist empire to you and your people. Please stay safe.
As always, this parade is in honor of the dead. Thank you.The Puppets Protect,
Lily Lamberta and the All the Saints’ Family.
Street Cleaning (And Towing) Next Week
Oregon Hill Baptist Center School Supply Store
National Night Out Rescheduled For October
It has been a very busy summer so far for the Richmond police – Black Lives Matter protests, changes in leadership, shootings, and (cowardly) anonymous threats from white supremacists.
So it’s understandable that the National Night Out date is postponed a bit….
Due to COVID-19 concerns, the Richmond Police Department is rescheduling this year’s National Night Out.
National Night Out will be tentatively held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 conditions in Richmond. Please watch RPD’s social media sites for updates.
National Night Out is designed to
1. Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
2. Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime efforts;
3. Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police‐community partnerships;
4. Send a message to criminals letting them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
As we get closer to the rescheduled date, RPD will provide updates on the status of 2020 National Night Out.