5th District School Coffee & Tea on Monday

According to email below, Richmond Public Schools Interim Superintendent Dr. Brandon will be hosting four coffee sessions Monday, Dec. 8, (tomorrow!) to discuss the proposed budget and to get as much public feedback as possible. Click on coffee sessions PFD link below to see when and where.

My quick thought:
ADA-compliant, historically-sensitive elevator addition for Open High, along with energy audit, window treatments, and roof solar panels .


Begin forwarded message:

From: Betsy Carr
Date: December 6, 2008 10:37:33 AM EST
To: Fifth District Schools Advisory Group , Fifth District Schools
Subject: Coffee & tea

Dear Fifth District Residents:
If you have thoughts about priorities for the proposed budget for the school system, please consider attending one of these sessions or let Dr. Brandon hear from you.

Betsy B. Carr
School Board Representative, Fifth District
City of Richmond

—— Forwarded Message
From: Alfonzo Mathis
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 16:06:57 -0500

Subject: coffee & tea

Board Members,

Interim Superintendent Dr. Brandon will be hosting four coffee sessions to discuss the proposed budget and to get as much public feedback as possible.
I am attaching a flyer detailing the session locations and times. Please distribute this flyer through your constituent email lists to ensure a good cross section of opinions.
Thank you for your assistance.

—— End of Forwarded Message

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