This past week, again with Stomp Stomp Dave’s help, I installed another dog station on behalf of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association. This one is near the intersection of Idlewood and Belvidere.
As for more park stuff, I need to circle back with the City’s Parks and Rec Dept. to see about the water fountain and new canal bridge for the Belvidere Greenway.
At the same time, I need to supply some direction on the future of Holly Street Playground. Right now, the Holly Street playground continues to be shared by groups of toddlers, parents, and children, and, on the other end of the spectrum, older kids and college students. We have tried doing surveys with the neighborhood association newsletter with only some success.
I think one thing that can be done with some consensus is to get rid of some of the dilapidated support sheds in the Holly Street Playground.
let me know how I can do this myself. we have many dogs, but few dog stations
if we do indeed decide to get rid of that old supply building, we could totally do it ourselves and haul it away in pickup trucks. Of course the city might want some input.