Mandatory Homework for Mayoral Candidates

Photo by Julia M Cameron via Pexels.

New school year, but you know the drill

If you are a candidate for political office (state or City), and in particular a City mayoral candidate, please submit via official campaign email to both a pledge (to defend the neighborhood from more VCU disrespect and encroachment, to recognize the demands already made to Richmond300 and the City of Richmond’s Planning Commission, and to do everything in your power to get VCU to make a written Memorandum of Understanding (aka MOU or commitment) to Oregon Hill, including but not limited to requesting a meeting with VCU Board of Visitors), but also a description of how you personally plan to defend and help this historic neighborhood if you win your election. In other words, what will you do to protect and defend, but also help and improve the Oregon Hill neighborhood.

This work will be accepted up to October 15. Late work will NOT be accepted. Grades will NOT be on a sliding scale.

By October 16, neighbors will know who NOT to vote for. We are looking for candidates who we CAN vote for. And make no mistake about it, Oregon Hill votes strongly and can be a deciding factor for the 5th District.

This comes at a time when the historic Oregon Hill district is under incredible pressure from developers (and let’s make no mistake about it, some of these people are little better than gangsters) and a new, corporate, riverfront amphitheater. Neighbors see the high-rise apartment buildings in Manchester and Scott’s Addition and don’t even recognize those neighborhoods anymore.

Neighbors are also watching the campaign contributions and making lists. Many of you may have taken part in the OHNA zoom meetings, but we know talk is cheap. Let’s see how your writing fares.

Historic preservationists have worked tirelessly to protect this small neighborhood’s historic streetscapes for decades. If you believe in historic preservation, now it is a good time to make the commitment.

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