“a bit of good news”

From Cherry Street neighbor and Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association President Todd Woodson:

Dear Friends

Heres a bit of good news i’d like to share. OHNA is a successful applicant for the Love Your Block mini grant program for $259.50. The premise of our application was to buy seeds for plants that are beneficial to pollinators, butterflies and birds. With seeds purchased with the grants, we would also like to make a special presentation to neighbors and others on proper planting and maintenance techniques, all aimed at beautifying Oregon Hill and helping our important pollinators.

As this will buy a substantial amount of quality diverse seed, I would like to cordially invite our friends at Open High and St Andrews School to participate. I know you have the resources you need to educate students on this but id love to offer you seeds and any other assistance you may need. If there is surplus seeds, we can branch out to other neighborhoods.

I’d also like to include in the information sessions details and alternatives to commercial herbicides.

Have a great day!


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