What does the James River mean to you? What is your special connection with the river and how can we help protect it for the future? Put your answer in a 20 second video and you could win $750 in the James River Association’s new The JAMES and ME Video Contest.
$750 for 20 seconds. I’m in.
If the archives of the Circle School were not presently packed & stacked far away, then we could submit twenty seconds worth of some twenty years of raising children under the shady trees, on the sunny rocks & in the flowing waters of the James River: Picnics, hikes, wagon & stroller rides, naps, graduations, history tours, flora, fauna & geology, photography, a wedding, Buddhist monks, concerts, dance performance, litter pick-up work-parties, flower seeding, Green Party 2004 presidential candidate David Cobb, so many Earth Days, Parks & Rec events, James River Park System Manager Ralph White & team, infants, children, teens, Open High interns, VCU student-teachers, parents & grandparents.
How to save the river? Take children there! When they grow up knowing it, they love it, they want it to be there for their wild children. When the children are given their choice of places to celebrate their birthdays, & the James River trumps, not just “going to the mall”, but even Randolph Pool, then we can be confident that those children value the living heritage of Richmond & the priceless education to be had all over Belle Isle & up & down the James River.
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