This Wednesday is a “Red Wednesday”, which usually means trash and recycling pickup, but because of the recent storm, pickup will move to Thursday.
Please go over what can be recycled.
NOTE: CVWMA (Central Virginia Waste Management Authority) has announced that all curbside recycling must now be INSIDE the CVWMA containers with lid closed. Items beside the container or on top of it will not be collected. In fact, incorrect setouts may not be collected at all. This is new as of July 1 for all our curbside recyclers, with the exception of townhomes/condos still using small bins. (And yes, this also applies to flattened cardboard boxes.)
Ideally, rolling recycling containers are stored and deployed in the back alleys along with trash cans. Please make sure you pick up containers after pickup tomorrow night.
If it seems like pickup did not happen, use this online form:
In order to take your recycling to the next level, read this: 10 ways to improve your recycling.
In international recycling news, American recycling ‘industry’ claims that European Union is moving too fast in introducing more regulations. Look for a rebuttal…
In perhaps more promising national news, (SPR) has announced the launch of what it claims is the first dedicated bifacial solar panel recycling line in the United States. The company says its new line enables clean glass separation of bifacial modules at recovery rates of 99 percent or higher.
In more local recycling news, VPM has a report that outlines 2024 findings as well as what may happen in the 2025 Virginia General Assembly.