OHNA Meeting This Tuesday

From email announcement:

Please plan to attend the OHNA meeting this Tuesday. The agenda is attached and below.
NOTE there will likely be a long discussion regarding recent events in the neighborhood such as out-of-control parties and the recent incident at Riverside park with dirtbikes and ATVs.

Be advised: after many complaints from multiple neighbors, parking enforcement will be coming through the neighborhood soon, and will be ticketing cars blocking alley access, in front of fire hydrants, on crosswalks, by no parking signs, and too close to intersections.

Monthly Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 24 September 2024 – 7:00PM
This meeting will be held by Zoom, at the link below.
(Editor’s note: The Zoom link has been redacted. If you wish to attend, please email ohnarva@gmail.com in advance of meeting)

Community Updates:
1. Lt. Bill Brereton, City of Richmond Police Section Lt, 4th Precinct
2. Officer Cain Green, Police Liaison, VCU (greenc4@vcu.edu)
3. Ms. Verenda Cobbs, VCU
4. Ms. Stephanie Lynch, 5th District Councilperson
5. Ms. Colette McEachin, Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney

Harrison Roday; Mamie Taylor

Updates and Continued Business
1. Fall Festival Block Party, Halloween parade and activities (Harrison Moenich)
2. Action: vote on Zoning Resolution (Charles Poole) (see attached, introduced at August mtg)
3. Richmond Participatory Budget news https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/rvapbideas (Justin Liang)
4. Data collection: Events at Brown’s (Valerie L’Herrou)

2. New Business

Valerie L’Herrou, President
Bryan Clark Green, Co-Vice President
Harrison Moenich, Co-Vice-President
Jennifer Hancock, Co-Vice-President
Mike Matthews, Secretary
John Bolecek, Treasurer

2024 OHNA proposed zoning resolution
Whereas, the Oregon Hill Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic places and the Virginia Landmarks Register as a rare intact historic district built as a working class neighborhood, and
Whereas, Oregon Hill is a built-out neighborhood of two-story dwellings with great density, having the majority of the homes attached on one or both sides, and
Whereas, Oregon Hill residents fought long and hard to obtain our current R-7 residential zoning, and
Whereas, the current R-7 zoning with a 35 foot height limit matches the neighborhood’s historic fabric and helps to protect the historic character of Oregon Hill, and
Whereas, the current R-7 zoning has allowed the Oregon Hill Historic District to thrive, with very few empty lots, and
Whereas, Section 17.05 of the Richmond City Charter states that a duty of the Planning Commission is to, “… preserve historical landmarks …”, and
Whereas, Oregon Hill is adjacent to and has faced encroachment by the adjacent Virginia Commonwealth University, and
Whereas, the City of Richmond values the character of its unique historic districts which make Richmond a special place to live, and must protect the character of our historic district through appropriate zoning,
Therefore, be it Resolved that the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association strongly urges the Richmond Planning Commission and the Richmond City Council to respect and maintain the R-7 zoning or its equivalent with a 35′ height limit within the Oregon Hill Historic District, in keeping with the current designation’s purpose in preserving the character of older urban neighborhoods in the city’s inner areas.

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