“No Votes For Genocide VA”

This yard sign appeared on W.Cary Street.

From corresponding website:

Since the start of the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, residents have been demanding Richmond City Council call for an immediate ceasefire and acknowledge and divest all city funding tied to Israel. Citizens have been drafting resolutions, meeting with council members, and attending and speaking at countless biweekly public meetings.

Richmond City Councillors have refused to take action. Richmond’s Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan, and both Senator Tim Kaine and Senator Mark Warner, have also refused to take action to divest from Israel and protect Palestinian lives. They ignore our pleas and continue to send billions of dollars of military aid and weapons to Israel.

As Pennsylvania Congresswoman Summer Lee stated, “Opposing genocide is good politics and good policy.” It’s time to tell our representatives that actively opposing genocide is not only a moral imperative, but a political necessity.

We are joining the growing number of people across the United States working to send a clear message to all candidates and elected officials on local, state, and national levels who are unswayed by our appeals to their humanity – we will NOT support you while you continue to support genocide. #NoVotesForGenocide

It’s worth mentioning that according to recent polls, over two-thirds of voters want any administration to work towards a permanent ceasefire and de-escalation of conflict in Gaza. That goes along with last year’s “Banner of The Year”.

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