Beat The Heat

Many people are trying to avoid looking at the big climate change picture, which is absolutely terrifying.

More immediately, in the smaller picture, Virginia is expected to experience a ‘heat dome’ effect this coming week, with increased humidity and temperatures in the upper 90’s.

If you do plan to work outside, make sure you stay extra hydrated and wear the proper attire to avoid any heat-related accidents. Hot weather can increase the risk of heat stroke or a heat-related incident.

People with means will find ways to beat the heat for now –

Yet there are more modest methods to prepare residences.

A study in the U.S. found that across 50 cities, awnings could save up to $200 annually in energy costs per household. Installing awnings above south-facing windows can reduce heat gain by 65%. On east and west-facing windows, awnings can reduce heat gain by up to 77%.

Shade cloth can lower cooling costs by reducing the amount of heat that enters a building. This can be done outside of the building or along the windows, as long as the sunlight is blocked before it enters. This will lead to less energy being consumed for air conditioning in order to make the space comfortable.

This website has extolled energy conservation and energy independence for a very long time, but these matters are taking on new importance as summer heat waves and climate change bear down upon us.

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