Examples of R-7 and R-48 with Residential future land use in Richmond 300

At the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, the Planning Director stated that the Residential future land use designation in the Richmond 300 master plan was not appropriate for R-7 or higher zoning. But a quick look at the zoning map indicates that they have designated an R-7 zoned area on Southside with the Residential future land use designation. And a large area of Randolph is zoned R-48 with the Residential future land use designation. (Please see attached maps.)

Apparently, these arbitrary rules apply only to Oregon Hill!

(Oregon Hill residents continue to strongly urge the Richmond Planning Commission to adopt Councilperson Lynch’s amendment to the Richmond 300 master plan (Res. 2022-R033). This would wisely amend the master plan to indicate that the area of Oregon Hill already under the Residential R-7 zoning would be designated with the appropriate Residential future land use.

In no way does this amendment undermine the integrity of the Richmond 300 master plan, The Residential future land use amendment for Oregon Hill is the same future land use that was approved for our sister Randolph neighborhood.

Before approving the Richmond 300 master plan, the Richmond City Council was assured by the Stoney administration that their voice in amending the master plan would be respected. In the unanimous vote, the City Council has made it crystal clear that it is the desire of the city’s elected City Council that this amendment be approved by the Planning Commission.)

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