VCU School Start Brings COVID

From the Times Dispatch:

Virginia Commonwealth University has 25 confirmed student COVID-19 cases and 11 confirmed employee cases, a university spokesman said Thursday afternoon.

VCU’s fall semester began on Monday. The school is offering in-person and online classes and the university’s dorms are home to more than 4,000 students in space designed for more than more than 6,200.

The university administration has created a ‘dashboard’ website to monitor cases of infection, but information is limited.

Neighbors are concerned about possible spread given the close proximity of the university and the number of students who live and visit Oregon Hill. There have been recent parties at residences in the neighborhood where masks were not used.

Some VCU students have publicly protested the re-opening of the university during the pandemic. They have also noted that the university has not refunded tuition despite many demands from students.

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