Oregon Hill Taking Precautions

From Todd Woodson, OHNA President:

Dear Friends and Neighbors
As you may have been advised, due to taking due precaution in avoiding an outbreak of the Covid 19 virus, VCU and other local Universities have extended spring break and intend to use remote classroom technology. Other large events have been cancelled or rescheduled.
I have been contacted by some of you offering to volunteer to help others during this period of uncertainty. First and foremost, if you are able and willing, please contact any neighbors that are age advanced or are in compromised health situations and make sure they are taken care of and have a contact should they need either shopping done or errands run for them. We are also establishing a network of volunteers who will perform these services for those that are currently challenged in the Oregon Hill, Randolph and Carver neighborhoods. We urge other neighborhoods to reach out to their neighbors as well and establish service networks.
Please contact me at 804-783-8829 or at this email: candylandmusic at earthlink.net if you are willing to provide such volunteer services or if you know of someone in need of these services. It is important that we watch over and care for each other as a community so that no person is left in need.
Additionally, if you are away from your home in one of these neighborhoods and are unable to return, you may call the non emergency number of the Richmond Police Department at (804) 646-5100 and advise them you are away and a Richmond Peace Officer will periodically check on the security of your residence. Should the situation warrant that RPD need assistance in this regard, we are willing to expand the service to volunteers as well.
Please feel free to forward this info along. Thank you and God bless and keep us all.
Todd Woodson
Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association

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