“Several Dead Presidents are Buried in Our Backyard”

I was going to save this post for ‘Throwback Thursday’, but I decided to put it out there for President’s Day.

“Several Dead Presidents are Buried in Our Backyard, Richmond Music Cooperative, Vol. 2” is a compilation of mostly Richmond bands released in late 1993. It was released on this new, crazy, digital format called compact disc. At the time, it was still relatively expensive to master and manufacture cds, so often bands that lacked big recording label backing would pool their moneys to put them out collectively. They would often use these joint efforts as ‘demos’ to give to the relatively few radio stations and clubs that would be open to new music.

It includes tracks from some favorite Richmond bands like Hegoat, Used Carlotta, Schwa, The Technical Jed as well as Norfolk’s Candy Snatchers.
(Editor’s note: Personally, I have a bias for an earlier Virginia cd compilation called New Dominion, but many also like the Dixie Flatline compilation, which was released by Radioactive Rat, back when its headquarters was on the 200 block of S. Cherry).

The title and elaborate cover art for this cd were probably created by Steve and Terry Douglas, who used to live on the 800 block of China Street.
Steve Douglas, who has a long and colorful music history in Richmond, now lives in Australia and plays with an internationally touring ska band called The Resignators. The title refers to Hollywood Cemetery, where several presidents are buried.

Besides the relatively new cd format, the titles and music reflect a time when Richmond was still a gritty, donut hole of a city, the music scene was loosely based around Grace St. in midtown, and downtown was all but abandoned. Oregon Hill was wilder.

The Richmond Music Cooperative ‘label’ eventually released a third compilation of mostly punk bands called “Dog and Pony Show”.

One thought on ““Several Dead Presidents are Buried in Our Backyard”

  1. I remember going to this cd release party at Twisters. We would come up to richmond for shows on Friday night and the door girl talked us in. So much great music. Hegoat was a mind blower and that show started us following fulflej anywhere and everywhere. I wish I still had that cd and the dog and pony show from the next year! I also was at the Radioactive Rat release party. If memory serves, it came in a cigar box! That cd I still have (but not the box)

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