Laurel Street neighbor Charles Pool went to the Richmond 300 meeting this evening but was unable to give a presentation on behalf of the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association. Few of the committee members were there, and chairperson Mr. Olinger suggested that the presentation be postponed to a later meeting. The electricity went out and Pool was not even able to make some comments.
The Richmond 300 Committee and City staff are seemingly determined to give Oregon Hill a Neighborhood Mixed Use designation with an 8 story limit, despite multiple statements from the neighborhood association that this is not acceptable.
This tyranny has been going on for over a year now, and like the unpopular coliseum scheme, the City continues to show disregard for citizens. There’s very little reason for trust at this point.
5th District Newsletter and Master Plans
OHNA Letter To ‘Richmond300’ Planners
Planning Commission Presentation
‘Single-Family’ To Be Removed?
Mandatory Homework Assignment For Candidates
OHNA Letter To City Council and Richmond300 Committee
What can riichmond do to rid itself of the clinton dingleberry chain of curruption in Virginia government. timmy terry levar We need to vote even a little bit better