Immigrant Justice Event This Saturday

From event page:

Saturday, September 21 from 12 – 4 pm in Monroe Park
(Scuffletown Lawn – corner of W. Franklin and N. Laurel Streets, across from Rhoads Hall – 710 West Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23220)

The Richmond Peace Education Center alongside ReEstablish Richmond, LULAC, and other immigrant and social justice advocacy organizations, invites the Richmond community to a “Teach In” on immigrant justice and social justice on September 21st.

Learn how ongoing racism and unjust policies have harmed Richmond families. Hear voices of directly impacted people. Make connections to one another, and to broader issues of social justice and racial justice in Richmond. Music. Art. Come listen, learn, connect … and take action! Together let’s build a more just and inclusive community for all. All are welcome.

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