Not sure if government officials, Conservancy board members, or the local media will ignore this or dismiss it as more ‘whining’, but Cherry Street neighbor Todd Woodson is still keeping an eye on Monroe Park. Here is the latest, which also goes back to his very poignant warning back in 2017:
Four bollards were destroyed and concrete curbing broken at Main and Belvidere in Monroe Park last night. This bollard style, made by Robinson Iron, was installed in the park around 2005 by the Monroe park advisory council despite the expense but were soon found to have a design flaw with the welds resulting in them all being destroyed by the time the park closed. The “conservancy” would have known this if they had complied with their 2014 agreement with council to add community stakeholders to their board, and then the city wouldn’t be facing this substantial expense. I’ve asked the city govt to make the “conservancy” bear the replacement and repair costs. We’ll see who pays the cost…