Mya Anitai of Dinamo has a nice article on Dinamo’s May Anitai. Here is an excerpt:

The co-owner of Dinamo restaurant turns her love of food and family into a career.
Opening the door to Dinamo on West Cary Street, diners encounter an intimate, bustling setting with a vibrant color scheme of red, black and white, a handful of tables surrounding a centerpiece bar and an enthusiastic welcome from the hostess. As it turns out, the hostess is server, bartender, barista, cook and co-owner Mya Anitai, who talks to patrons as if they were old friends. That is, when she’s not busy busing tables.
In Italian, the word dinamo means generator, an image that caught Anitai’s eye in a vintage motorcycle magazine. “This clicked because I like the idea of something in motion and really moving forward with energy. At Dinamo, it is like cooking and working with your friends and family. When my family comes to visit, they come and work here, too.”
Food networking
“I took my first job at 14 and loved doing it,” said Anitai, a VCU graduate who calls Oregon Hill home. “I thought nobody worked at restaurants for the rest of their lives, but it’s what I really love doing. I love interacting with people every day.”

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