From email announcement:
A HUGE thank you
for a fantastic 2013 season at Byrd House Market, and to all our food producer/vendors for all the great work they do to bring you great food wherever you shop it.In fact, VCU students let the vendors know their appreciation during National Food Day at the Market last week when they visited every one and gave them a Thank You card with a great graphic created from the words collected during a customer survey a few weeks earlier. College students have been swoopin’ in to take advantage of the $10 Student Box (a deal saving them anywhere from 20-30%) provided by participating vendors since first launched at Food Day 2012, but there’s been a real upsurge in their numbers this fall, so as manager, I want to thank them both – students and vendors for their mutual support.
As we head into the holiday season, great gift ideas abound at Byrd House Market… finely grown and crafted foods are always a welcome treat, as well as goodies for your pets and balms for body and soul. Fine goods at great prices! Not sure, ask me!
See you at Byrd House Market!
Launch of the Renegades
Starting Tuesday, November 5th, the BHM Renegade Season begins and runs through April 2014. Our Renegade anchors, The Byrd Farm and Faith Farm Foods, will be joined for the next couple of months by Agriberry, Heath Farm, Phal’s Noodles, Deer Run, Epic Gardens, Tomten Farm, and a few more, so don’t take the market off your schedule! Hours: Tuesdays from 3pm to 6pm (or sunset).
Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House / 804.643.2717 ext.306