Byrd House Market Today

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It’s 3rd Tuesday
So think in 3s! The combinations are endless and the preparation quick!
Peppers, Potatoes & Onions sauteed or roasted
Potato and Leek soup with Goat cheese garnish
Mushrooms and Sausage served over Egg Noodles or Greens
Bake Chicken with Apples and Garlic
Scrambled Eggs and Salad Greens with Croissant
English Muffin toasted with Butter and Honey
Really running?
Pick up a combination dinner from Phal’s Noodles & Spring Rolls
or for simplicity how about a Loaf of good bread, a hunk of cheese and a jug of cider
74 and partly cloudy – come on out!
Lexicon of Sustainability Sneak Peak
Come see the preview showing of The Lexicon of Sustainability – an exhibit of images and words about Food in our communities.
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What is SNAP?
In 2012, 49.0 million Americans lived in food insecure households, 33.1 million adults and 15.9 million children.
Remember “Food Stamps? This critical safety net federal program is now called SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Intended as a support to household food budgets, most people rely on it entirely as incomes have not kept pace with costs of living. Students, families, our elders and working adults use use SNAP. Did you know you can use SNAP to buy fresh foods, food plants and seeds? Byrd House Market has offered access to SNAP users since 2011. Know someone who might need help paying for food? Look for the “Ask Me About SNAP” sign next to the BHM Info Tent.
National Food Day at the Market is Oct. 22. Join us with partners in the VCU Wellness Resource Center and the Healthy Community Action Team for great nutritional information for Nutrition Throughout the Life Cycle. $10 Student Boxes (with Student ID), Raffles, Music and …

Eat Good, Grow Great!

Ana Edwards, Manager
Byrd House Market & Library Programs
Grace Arents Library & Education Center
William Byrd Community House
/ 804.643.2717 ext.306

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