Report From VCU Master Plan Meeting

A resident reports back from a new VCU Master Plan meeting (reposted here with permission):

Hi all-

I attended a meeting for community members wednesday afternoon to give initial concerns toward the new VCU masterplan getting ready to be shaped. Other community members from the Fan, Monroe Ward and MCV community were there as well.

There was an OVERWHELMING consensus among all the neighborhoods represented that past VCU administration had not kept their word on previous masterplans nor on individual agreements they had made with them.

I said that Oregon Hill REQUIRES a legally binding agreement to establish a boundary of Cary Street which VCU cannot cross. The moderators told the group that the current enrollment had leveled off and that they were concentrating on improving what they have, maybe adding up to 500 faculty members in the next 6 to 9 years.

Other concerns I brought forth were the need for the roundabout and 2 way traffic on Idlewood between Cherry and Harrison so VCU cars getting off the Downtown Expressway can turn to go toward the Harrison street parking deck without going through Oregon Hill causing congestion. In addition I stressed accountability for all of their facilities including the parking problems which were exacerbated by the building of the new rec center.

We desperately need support from our Councilperson on meeting these goals for improving quality of life issues in Oregon Hill regarding VCU’s presence.

Your neighborhood association meets every 4th Tuesday of the month at William Byrd Community House at 7PM. Please come out and get involved to make Oregon Hill a better place to live!


2 thoughts on “Report From VCU Master Plan Meeting

  1. We have seen more accidents and near-misses on Idlewood.

    It should be noted that the Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association has voted repeatedly in favor of the proposed Idlewood roundabout. Meetings were held in the past with Randolph representatives, City traffic engineers, and other parties in support of this.

    The City has received millions in federal funding to put traffic circles in other neighborhoods, yet has not taken action on this long requested project.

  2. Pingback: VCU Continues To Disregard Its Own Master Plan, Counter To State Agreement | Oregon Hill

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