I heard from a friend that a fire had broken out in one of the Parson’s Row condominiums. For those who are not familiar, these condos were built behind the Parson House, as part of a highly touted preservation project.
This morning I went over there to survey the damage. It looks like it was in the back of the 605-H unit. The front looks ok, but the back of the residence that faces Belvidere Street does not.
The unconfirmed rumor on the street is that this was caused by a careless cigarette. If true, this is disturbing given other fires in the neighborhood. If you need even more reasons to quit smoking, I can offer a few.
Instead of reason to quit smoking, how about reasons to put the cig out in a an ashtray. Stop hating on smokers..
With the stock market coming back, we’ll have to look out for “corporate fat cats” tossing their cigars out their limousine windows, not to mention the $100 bill they lit it with!!
It is hating on cigarettes, which is different from ‘hating on smokers’.
A lot of people responsibly enjoy a good cigar every now and then without addiction and littering.